Rangers of Frostgrave – The Big Score

As they break their fast the next morning, Carov spent his time pouring over the Grimoire.  His face crestfallen, he looks at Serrol and says, "We have the book, but we may still have lost - the main ingredient in the antidote is the liver of a Dragon.  A Dragon, Serrol!"

From across the room, a rough voice almost shouts in glee "Do my ears deceive me?  A Dragon!  By the many and one, I hunt such a beast, and could use a strong hand - if the stories are true, and you survived the Alchemical Factory, I could use you!"  The group looks over, and sees a shockingly short person in worn clothes. "Looks can be deceiving, my good sirs!  I am a Dwarf of the warrens, and there are none tougher!".  Serrol looks at Sak and Carov, who both nod.  "Sak and Carov will go with you, but I must remain here."  Crestfallen, the Monster Hunter says "Ah, better than nothing - hopefully you're tougher than the last crew."

"The last crew?"  Sak says......

"I know it comes here to feed", Odrak said, as the group approaches a frozen clearing. "I've seen it here twice already - and it walks with a limp, so it's been wounded already.  Wait here, and I will set up traps.  We'll just lure it through them, and payday!  You get your dragon liver, and I get the rest!"
"One word of warning - monsters roam this area, so we don't have much time."

After the traps are set up, and a bait pile dropped, Odrak says "now we wait - hopefully not too long."
And it wasn't.  The beast must be hungry, as it stalked into the ruins from wherever it lairs.

The group slowly retreated from the great beast - luring it into the traps set up by Odrak.  A lucky shot from Sak draws blood - a major wound to the dragon.  Odrak's crossbow bolt, however, bounces harmlessly off the dragon's hide.  A zombie and two skeletons wander in, advancing on the group.

As the dragon continues its advance, it triggered a spring-loaded spike trap, wounding it and making it bellow with rage, drawing a ghoul onto the battlefield.

The group continued to retreat, as their arrows and spells were ineffective; Carov cast a Burning Mark in the beast's path, hoping for the best.  The undead started to reach the group.

The dragon was caught in a net, hopelessly tangled in the tar-coated heavy line; the undead that had reached the group were destroyed, but more undead arrived, including a ghoul that appeared unseen behind Carov.

Carov's last spell injured the dragon, who, still caught in the net, triggered the Burning Mark - to the group's dismay, doing no damage.  The ghoul that snuck up behind the group engaged Carov, wounding him near death, and an armored skeleton was seen following the ghoul, advancing on the party.  "Keep at the dragon" Carov cried, "For Alladore!"

Carov turned to face the ghoul and armored skeleton, using his staff in an attempt to ward them off.  A lucky arrow from Sak caught the dragon in the eye, slaying it, but the ghoul leapt onto Carov, tearing into his flesh and driving him to the ground.  Other undead were closing on the group - they did not have much time left.

Sak moved around the oncoming undead, to the dragon, and carved out its liver.  The undead swarmed Odrak, who cried "Traitor!  I will kill you, too!".  Odrak dispatched all but one of the undead, the fire of hate burning in his eyes.
Sak placed the bloody liver in his oilskin satchel, and sprinted to safety.  Carov would be mourned.  But the young King Arethic would have his antidote.