Rangers of ShadowDeep – Finally Launching the Campaign

Tomorrow, I get together with a friend to start our Rangers of Shadow Deep campaign.  So, of course, I had to take a picture of my team.  And then, this morning, I decided to shuffle some things about (making his stats match his miniature better, which left him with fewer Recruitment Points), so Sova the owl will not be joining Serrol on his adventures.
From left to right:
Serrol of Lorenthia, Ranger. When Serrol and his family escaped the destruction of Lorenthia, the first Alladorean Ranger they met was Aventine.  Now, that Aventine is missing, Serrol has volunteered to track him down and aid him however he can.

Sakalas, Archer.  Sakalas and his cousin, Carovnik grew up together in the village of Pannon, near the border with Lorenthia.  After Carov was invited to study at the Cascades, Sakalas quickly bored of the village life, and headed to the city of Porterik, where he fell in with a band of thieves.  Sak was in the dungeon for theft when word of Lorenthia's loss reached the city.  He was conscripted and sent to the Lorenthian border to serve out the rest of his sentence.  When Carov left the Cascades to work with the Rangers, he bumped into Sak, and convinced the Rangers to assign Sakalas to work with him.
Sadly, Carov fell while in the frozen city of Felstad, but Sak has realized that the Rangers are working for something - and pushing himself into that work helps numb the pain of Carov's loss.
(I am on the hunt for a replacement mini for Sakalas)

Cadderly, Conjuror.  When Serrol returned from Felstad, he requested a Conjuror to replace Carov.  With the demand for conjurors from the Cascades, only Serrol's success in Felstad granted him a replacement.  Unfortunately, the only conjuror ready was a still wet-behind-the-ears sixteen-year-old from Erenthean.