Rangers of Shadow Deep – The Missing – The Deserted Village

Cast of Characters:
Serrol of Lorenthia, Ranger
Sakalas, Archer
Cadderly, Conjurer

Smootley, Ranger
Karyn, Conjurer
Robin, Archer

The rumors were swirling around the camp - "Aventine is missing".  Ranger Aventine left camp a few days ago, and should have returned by now.  Serrol approached the Captain, a grizzled veteran named Starec. "Captain - I volunteer to lead the search for Aventine.   We can't leave him out there."

"Aventine has led many missions; I don't want to lose another Ranger.  I have already selected Ranger Smootley to lead the search, but since we do not know what happened to Aventine, it will not hurt to send another.  You leave in an hour."

Serrol walked to the common hall, and with a gaze, gathered Sakalas and Cadderly.  "Grab your gear - we leave in an hour."  Both Sak and Cadderly nodded.

Stopping only to suit up and kiss his wife and daughter farewell, Serrol returned to the gates, where Smootly and his team was already waiting.

Together they hiked to the village of Zanci, where Aventine was investigating rumors of an attack.  The village was quiet - too quiet, and as they approached, ravens took to the air.  Entering the village, they saw some of the villagers laying on the ground, obviously dead.  As they gathered at the well, a rustling in the brush and the moaning of those no longer alive alerted the Rangers that they were not alone.

[Perception roll made]

Deciding to split up and cover more ground, Serrol and Cadderly moved towards the southeastern corner of the village - something there had captured Serrol's eye.  While moving, Serrol cast a minor enchantment to bolster his armor - something that had saved his life many times in service of Lorenthia.  Cadderly cast a spell, causing Serrol to Leap further.

Smootley headed to the northeast.

As the dead and a few rodents of unusual size approached, Smootley's arrow and a magic bolt from Karyn miss their mark; a rat bit Robin, and Sakalas' arrow dropped a zombie.

Unfortunately, two more zombies staggered into the village from the surrounding countryside.

Serrol moved to the brush where he had noticed movement earlier, avoiding a Zombie on the way.

Expecting an attach, he was pleasantly surprised to discover the village priest.  "Blessed be the saints!" the priest exclaimed, "The villagers - we found some dead - their skin purple, but then they stood back up!  My acolyte was killed - I tried to help, I really did, but my courage failed, and I hid.  I saw the other Ranger come into town - he fought off some of the dead, and told me to flee - I tried, but the dead kept coming!"

"Do you know what happened to the Ranger?"  Serrol asked.  "No - when he told me to flee, I fled.  But the dead kept coming, so I hid."

Realizing that the priest was of no use, Serrol promised to protect him and see him to safety.  "But now, stand behind me" Serrol said, as the two zombies advanced, their moans causing the priest's knees to shake.

They reached Serrol, and he cut both down.  "Saints preserve us!" the priest said "They were my friends!"

Serrol glanced around, catching a view of Karyn's magic bolt obliterating a zombie, and one of Robin's arrows cutting down a zombie attacking Sakalas, who then moved to the closest house to investigate inside.

Cadderly, investigating a fallen villager, discovered the villager died clutching a Potion of Wraith Walk - probably hoping to use it to escape.

Smootley moved to a suspicious corpse, sadly discovering that the corpse was that of the Ranger, Aventine.

As Serrol moved to regroup at the well, Sakalas entered the house, and found strange, scuttling tracks.  His woods-lore identified them as coming from a very large spider.

On the other side of the village, Robin tried to force entry into the Inn, but failed.  More zombies fell from the continued assault.

Suddenly, a terrifying wail was heard - echoing across the land.  Shaken, the Rangers and their teams gave a silent prayer - strengthening their resolve..... except for poor Robin, who fell to the ground in fear.

Smootley and his team reached the Inn, and Karyn entered first, finding a mutilated corpse - that lurched to its feet, its hands clawing for her throat.  Smootley and Robin then entered, making short work of the final zombie

 All in all, a successful mission.  We found Aventine's body, but Smootley failed his Armoury check, so the magic in his sword was not found.  We discovered the strange tracks and determined their nature.  We saved a survivor, but we did not find the actual mutilated body to try to determine the nature of the bite marks.  Only Robin took damage.