Rangers of Frostgrave – The Writhing Fumes

The Writhing Fumes

Passing through the ruined gateway, Carov, Victor and their team gazed into the darkness.  Wisps of vapor crawled around the walls, and over the rubble scattered across the chamber.

As they enter, their path lit by a flame conjured by Carov, the wisps of vapor from a nearby vent coalesced into a nearly solid form.  "Martin!  Iliana - take care of it", Carov ordered, as he cast a spell to improve Martin's armour.  Martin and Iliana moved up, the Vapor Snake sliding up Iliana's sword as she swung, striking at her and drawing blood.  Martin's sword passed harmlessly past the snake.
From the far corner, another vapor snake rounded the bend, its slight fluorescense the only hint of its presence.
Alvi charges the snake, and with some assistance from Martin and Iliana, killed it -if such a manner of elemental being could truly be killed.
Victor and Skitter move up, with the loyal hound taking point.

As Carov, Alvi and Martin advance, the large Vapor Snake slithers towards Skitter, and snaps at the dog.  With a twist, Skitter avoids the bite, and unleashes a bite of his own, wounding the snake.

Martin and Alvi engage the snake, Martin once again missing, but Alvi's sword strikes true, dissipating her second snake.  "Good shot, Alvi!", Carov exclaimed, as another snake comes into view.

Continuing to advance, Martin runs ahead and grabs a treasure, smiling at his good fortune.  Several snakes advance on them, but Victor, Skitter and Alvi charge forward, pinning the snakes in place.  Skitter took a bite out of one, to many shouts of "Good Boy!".  However, Alvi gets hit, and Skitter came within sight of a strange construct with a large crossbow mounted as its arm - a bolt fires, missing Skitter.

Pinned down, the team fights through the snakes.  Carov split-casts a Heal spell, healing Alvi and Martin, while Martin kills one of the snakes.  The construct fires again, but "click" - it seems to be out of ammo.
Victor and Iliana move up to kill another snake.

More snakes pour from the edges of the chamber.  Victor sent Skitter towards the rear, to hold off as many as he can, while Carov moves up and casts Magic Bolt at the second construct, but the spell goes wide, missing.

The team, minus Skitter, move forward, while Iliana covers their rear.  They take another snake down, but the second construct fires its crossbow at Alvi, the bolt passing through her heart as she falls to the ground, clearly dead.  A loud yelp lets Carov know that poor Skitter went down.

Victor charges ahead, getting to the door, smashing it open with his Gloves of Strength, while Martin moves up to draw fire and try to take out another snake.  Carov moves forward, healing Martin again.  The second construct draws a bead on Victor, the closest target, and fires, injuring him severely.

Carov and Victor get through the door, while Martin goes down, and Iliana, swarmed by snakes, goes wild, killing a snake and injuring two others before succumbing to the attacks.

All in all, the team took out seven snakes, did not recover any treasure, and only had two Heroes pass through the door for 50xp.
Making survival rolls,
Alvi and Iliana died permanently
Martin and Skitter made full recoveries.