Rangers of Frostgrave – Isher’s Weapon Shop

Escaping from the entrance to the weapon shop, Carov and Victor sat down, exhausted from their run through the door.  As they bound their wounds, the door burst open, and Martin, bloody from his injuries, dashed through carrying Skitter.  Victor slammed the door behind them, the thwack of a bolt echoing in the room.

Carov cast his healing spell and bound their wounds, bringing Martin and Skitter back from the brink.

Suddenly, braziers burst into flames, and from the corners of the room, the snarling barks of Gnolls echoed through the weapon shop.

At the far end of the chamber, a locked cabinet, heavily guarded.  What fantastic treasures could be within?
Seeing gnolls to both their left and right, Carov pointed to the left, and Victor, Carov and Martin moved up.  Carov cast a quick Armour spell on himself - with two of their party dead, he will have to get into the fight if they were to have any chance.
The gnolls moved up to engage, one taking a hit as it charged Victor.
The gnolls, however, were an overpowering force, and Victor, Martin and poor Skitter went down under their overwhelming assault.
Carov decided to make a run for it, hoping his magic could take out the two pursuing gnolls, opening up his path to the door.
Sadly, only one fell, and the other engaged him, preventing him from escaping.
Carov traded blows with the gnoll thug, but even though he injured the gnoll severely, it did not go down.  The other gnoll thugs advanced, and nearly surrounded Carov.
Their weapons cut through Carov's defenses, cutting him down.
All the while, the other gnolls in the room danced to strange gnoll music, singing raucous gnoll songs.
Is this it for Carov?  Will his second fall in Felstad be his last?

Skitter:  Close call
Martin:  Permanent Injury - Lost Finger (-1 shoot)
Victor:  Badly Wounded
Carov:  Full Recovery