
Incinerator - Fire Drop

After the complete failure of Perilous Dark scenario 2 - Isher’s Weapon Shop, I wanted a story-based way to escape our fate.  The obvious choice became clear.  Incinerator!  Except, as this was not the Shadow Deep, I am using gnolls instead of Temple Guardians, and Borock instead of the Warden.  Let’s see how it goes, shall we?

Carov woke up with a start.  The last thing he remembered was being swarmed by gnolls in the ruins of Isher’s Weapon Shop.  Then, darkness.
Looking around, Carov only saw the flicker of two braziers in the distance, and high off the ground.  Risking a minor cantrip, he conjured a dim light, only enough to illuminate the area within arms’ reach, and looked around.
Laying on the ground next to him were Victor and Martin, as well as two young women - one laying on a bow, and the other apparently unarmed.
Carov was about to shake Victor awake, when the braziers burst into brilliance, and a door on a ledge high off the ground creaked open.  At the sound, and the light, Victor, Martin and the two women woke.
From the door walked a short, robed beastman, along with the tallest gnoll Carov had ever seen.  The short beastman stared at them for a moment, then said, in a raspy vioce, “they are awake.  Good.  They must be awake.  Borock - burn them.”
The tall gnoll grabbed a large lever, and pulled.  Heat filled the chamber, as a strange cracking sound comes from behind them.  Turning, the group sees the flagstones of the floor collapsing into a vast lake of glowing lava.  Turning back to the ledge, Carov saw the two gnolls turn and leave, as a handful of skeletons below the ledge rise from the floor.

“I hate this place”  Victor said...

"Run!" Carov called.
Carov, Victor and Martin charge forward - Victor and Martin at full speed; Carov drew his wand and attempted a simple cantrip at a skeleton - the flare went wide, striking the wall (Since Carov is mostly a spellcasting Ranger, instead of bow & quiver, I gave him a wand & spellbook to allow him to make non-magical shooting attacks).
"How will we get up there?" Martin called out.  "I can conjure a ladder", one of the women responded. "Victor - protect her!", Carov replied.

The skeletons advanced, their bones creaking.  The archer fired her bow, missing.

Another skeleton rose from the corner of the room, as the paving stones fell (Red 6 - 6" of floor fell away)

Fearing being pinned down, Carov split-cast his Magic Bolt spell, shattering two skeletons into shards.  Both Victor and Martin moved up and destroyed the skeletons in their way, but another skeleton appeared, this time to the left (Red 5 - another 5" of floor fell away)

With most of the way clear of skeletons, Carov moved forward, pausing to investigate a fallen body - recognizing it as a Lorenthian ranger, a deserter that Carov had seen in the city.  Carov pulled the silver star from his cloak.  (here I made a mistake, and allowed an activation beyond checking the clue).  Using his wand, Carov's flare found its mark, burning the skeleton threatening the conjurer, and causing it to fall.
Victor destroyed another skeleton, while Martin became engaged, the skeleton avoiding his attack.

Revna, the archer, pauses, and discovers a potion of healing on a corpse, pocketing it for herself, while Yvanne, the conjurer, stumbles upon a still-living person - a knight of Alladore (here was another mistake - my initial party was supposed to include the Alladorean defector Cooper, from my first attempt at Perilous Dark - Writhing Fumes, but as I was a bit tired, I forgot to place him... So instead of finding the wounded Alladorean guardsman, I had them find Cooper, although stats-wise, he followed the scenario).  Yvanne helped him to his feet.  "When we get up the ledge, good sir, I shall heal you."

Suddenly, a loud "Boom" shakes the room, the skeleton engaging Martin moving towards the ledge, as the floor collapses, plunging Martin and the skeleton into the lava.

Carov makes it to the wall and climbs up, struggling a bit, but makes it, while Yvanne gets to the wall and conjures her ladder.  Victor, always the opportunist, quickly climbs the ladder and nearly makes it to the top.

Revna is hit by the final skeleton, a massive hit that causes her to fall.

A lava bubble burst, filling the chamber with smoke, and causing Carov, Victor, Cooper and Yvanne to cough, their eyes watering.

Carov moves to the door, with Victor flanking so that Yvanne could climb the ladder herself, only leaving Cooper on the floor.  As the flagstones kept falling away, the door opens, and two gnolls run out, engaging Carov as the door slams behind them!

Carov and Victor attack one gnoll, severely injuring it.  Yvanne, seeing that it was injured, drew her weapon and attacked, but the gnoll's riposte cut through her defense, and she fell to the ground.  As she fell, the ladder that Cooper was about to climb vanished, but as the flagstones continued to fall away, Cooper scaled the wall, his chest heaving.
One of the gnolls attacked Carov, but the gnoll's clumsy attack impaled itself on Carov's sword, and it fell to the ground dead.

Suddenly, a skeletal ogre appeared below the ledge, only to be consumed as the last of the floor fell away to lava.

Victor attacked the remaining gnoll, but its defense was sound, and Victor the bloody was seriously hurt by the gnoll's defense.  Carov, shaken by the sight of Victor's wound, missed the gnoll, but Cooper charged into the fray, killing the gnoll.

Victor and Cooper both try to open the door; weakened from his injuries, Victor is unable to budge it, but Cooper showing a knack for locks, was able to unlock the door, while Carov cast a healing spell on Victor.

A cascade of rocks fell from the ceiling, one of them striking Cooper, knocking him out.

Victor and Carov made their exit, carrying Cooper and Yvanne with them.  Somehow, even after plunging into the lava, Revna miraculously survived, although Martin, sadly, did not.

Carov - Full Health
Victor - 6 Health
Yvanne - Close Call (1 Health)
Cooper - Full Recovery (6 Health)
Revna - full recovery (1 Health)
Martin - dead

XP 37