Incinerator – Prison Break

With smoke billowing behind them, Carov and his team limp through the doorway, slamming it behind them, against the heat and smoke of the lava.

Looking into the room, they see a table in the middle, with gnolls feasting on haunches of meat, and a cook fire in one corner with two additional gnolls turning a spit containing what appears to be a dog carcass.

“Skitter?” Victor shouts….

Carov, followed closely by the conjurer Yvanne advance into the room, while Revna the archer moves to a flanking position.  Carov sends out a pair of magical bolts at the gnolls at the table, wounding two.  Yvanne casts a fireball at the distant gnoll archers, wounding one.

(and here is where my lack of sleep last night got me - I had the baddies act on Turn 1)
Guardian Gnoll charged Carov, his great sword swinging high; Carov ducked under the blow, his riposte injuring the gnoll.  The remaining gnoll also attacked Carov, snarling terribly.  Carov spun to face the gnoll, his sword finding its mark, piercing the gnoll's heart, killing it instantly.
Both archers fire at Carov, believing him to be the greatest threat, and both their arrows go wide.
Victor and Cooper move up, killing the two remaining gnolls that were dining at the table, ending their threat.

Revna and Victor move to the closest door on the left, opening it - a larder, full of rotting meat.  The stench almost overwhelmed them, and they slammed the door, but not before a giant fly buzzed out, threatening them.
Carov drew his wand, and sent a flare of minor magic at one of the gnoll archers, killing it.  The archer firest at Cooper, but missed.

Cooper, deciding the gnoll was the biggest threat, moved to engage, while Yvanne cast a healing spell on Revna.

Suddenly, with the creak of ancient bones, a skeleton rose from the corner, its vacant, undead stare somehow taking in the room.

Carov fires a flare at the giant fly, but it misses, scorching the wall; Victor's mighty axe, however, smashes the fly, killing it.  Cooper engaged the gnoll archer, and his sword cut the gnoll down.
Revna moves to the next door, opening it to reveal an empty chamber, while the floor collapses under Yvanne's foot, and ghoulish hands grab at her leg, holding her in place.

Carov shot a flare of fire at the skeleton, destroying it, while  Victor moved to the next door, revealing an armory. 

Cooper approaches another door, and opens it, revealing an office - and the large Gnoll/Minotaur hybrid that they had seen earlier.  With a snarl, the Warden growled "What is this?  How?", as it grabbed a giant axe.

Victor and Cooper retreat, drawing the Warden out of its office, while Yvanne gets free from the grasping hand, and Revna scoops up one of the treasures in the armoury.

Carov fires a Magic Bolt at the Warden, but his spell went wide; Victor swung his axe, but the Warden returned attack, taking Victor down.  The force of his blow threw the Warden off balance, allowing Cooper's sword to pierce the Warden's heart, dropping him.

Revna tosses the treasure out of the armory for Yvanne to pick up, while she darts back for the next.  Cooper opens the next door, and is quickly grabbed by a large, hairy humanoid who cries "Why you lock Gorbin up in room?  Gorbin not like being in room!"

Before Gorbin could fling Cooper across the room, Carov moved up and shouted "Gorbin!  Look!  The one who locked you up is dead!  We're letting you go - just put Cooper down!"

Gorbin looked confused for a moment, unsure what to do.  Then, he gently placed Cooper on the ground, and patted him on the head, "Sorry small human.  Gorbin sorry."  Picking his sword up off the ground, Cooper replied "That's OK, buddy.  That's OK."

Moving around the room, the group smashed a few skeletons and flies, and the second to last door opened to the frosty city of Felstad.  "Huzzah!" Cooper cried.  "We're free!"

They made it back to the Inn.  Victor would make a full recovery.  The treasures they found included an Elemental Strike Two-Handed weapon (3), and an "ordinary" Magic two-handed weapon (5), perfect for Victor and Gorbin!

Earned 75 XP, so Carov is now Level 3, and gains 10 BRP.  So, even with Gorbin in the party, Carov still has 15 RP left.