Campaign Turn 7 – Hesione

After returning from the Outpost, Jaxx and crew once again met up with Austol Keast, who had another job for them.  "I'm sure you think you have figured out what was going on, and I honestly don't care what you think about it.  But there's something you must see."  Without waiting for an answer, Austol turned on a holo display.  "This was taken shortly after you left."  The Holo vid showed a number of humans wandering around, searching for something, and gathering up the corpses of the psychos that Jaxx and crew left behind. "So?"  Jaxx responded.  "Look closer, Captain Pearsall."

Jax took a closer look, noticing the circuitry embedded in the humans, and their odd gait.  His face paled, and he slumped back in his chair.  Kazi, concerned, asked "What's wrong?"

"Converted.  Frakking converted."

"Yes, Captain Pearsall.  It seems our outpost was infiltrated after you left, and the Converted are looking for our research - they could weaponize our treatments, unleashing these "psychos" on stations Unity-space-wide."

"Why not let Unity take care of it?" Kazi replied.

Austol just looked at Jaxx.  "Because, Kazi, Unity would just nuke the installation.  And Mr. Keast doesn't want to lose his investment."

"Very astute.  Maximum danger pay.  Go in, take out the Converted Infiltrators, and get out.  Simple."

"Oh yes, simple."

"There is one more thing - they have upped the strength of the gas.  The atmosphere is now toxic, even to them.  So you will need full life support."

Kazi and Jaxx exchanged glances.  With Vilem sick, that meant that Kazi would have to go in. Austol was insisting on a full team.  This would be ugly.  But, we just needed to secure the comp center and wipe out the research, so the Converted could not get it.  No need to take them all out.

The crew takes the Speckled Jim out to the Outpost - no fancy shuttle ride this time.  Automated docking codes provided by Austol Keast allowed them to dock safely.  In the distance, they could hear and see some of the Converted Infiltrators.

[Mistake here - I should have blocked line of sight better.  This time it worked to our advantage, but it could have gone bad.  Also, I was so excited to play after a rough week at work that I didn't take pictures - had to try to recreate some]

The Crew, ready for action, moved to engage.  Selene took up position at the viewport, firing her Shell Gun, blowing an Auto-Rifle wielding Infiltrator to hell, and stunning another.  Miak moves and unleashes a barrage from his Rattle Gun, hitting one, stunning it and damaging its life support, causing it to fall to the ground choking, and stunning the Infiltrator Lieutenant.

The Lieutenant moves up, but can't fire as it shakes off the effects of the Rattle Gun. One of the other Infiltrators takes a long shot with its handgun at Selene, striking her, but neither penetrating her armor or hitting her life support, leaving her only stunned.

Kazi, Jaxx, Vonthos and Ginerva all move forward.

Vonthos rounds a corner and spots two Infiltrators.  His shotgun rang out twice, killing both.  Miak's rattle gun continued to fire, taking out one more and striking another, but that Converted's armor deflected the round, and Selene, still reeling from her near miss, missed her shots.  The remaining Converted move, but can not land shots, while Jaxx and Kazi move up, Jaxx' new Infantry Laser landing a killing blow.  Ginerva takes a quick shot, but misses.

Selene, shaking off the last of her shakiness, fires at the last Converted, blowing it to pieces.

The crew then moves to the computing console, wiped out the incriminating data, and left, scooping up a Blast Rifle that someone - or something - left behind.  They did decide to keep a copy of the evidence [Peculiar Item] and some debris that they managed to sell for a pitiful 1 CR.

They have been learning much from their adventures, and are now more capable and prepared for whatever the future holds.

Game Turn Details

Step 1

1.  Flee Invasion - No Invasion
2.  Decide whether to travel - No Travel
3.  Starship travel event - N/A
4.  New world arrival steps - N/A

Step 2

1.  Upkeep and ship repairs - Used Basic Supplies to pay for upkeep.  Pay 6CR against ships debt.
2.  Assign and resolve crew tasks
Jaxx - Repair Camo Cloak - fail
Kazi - Explore - Got Yourself Noticed - But no rivals here.
Selene - Train
Villem - Explore - Ate bad food, must spend 1 campaign turn in Sick Bay
Miak - Trade - A chance to unload some stuff.  Sold Handgun and Colony Rifle for 2CR ea.
Vonthos - Repair Handgun - Succeed
Ginerva - Trade - Bits of Scrap - sell for 1CR

3.  Determine Job Offers

PATRON - Wealthy Individual (Austol Keast, wealthy Bureacrat on the planet) Danger Pay +3, reroll take highest.  Condition - full squad

PATRON - Corporate - Danger Pay +3, reroll take highest.  This or next turn.
Deployment Condition - none
Notable Sight - Documentation: Gain a Quest Rumor.
Hired Muscle - Rage Lizard Mercenaries.  If within 1" of terrain, gain +1 Brawl.  Numbers +0; Panic 1-2, Mv 4"; Combat +1; Toughness 5; AI T; Weapons 3B
4.  Assign Equipment 
5.  Resolve Rumors: 
6.  Choose Battle  
Readying for Battle -  
1.  Deployment Condition 56 - Toxic environment: Whenever a combatant is Stunned, roll 1D6+Savvy skill (0 for enemies). Failure to roll a 4+ becomes a casualty.
2.  Notable Sight - Peculiar item: Gain +2 XP.
4.  Roving Threats - Converted Infiltrators - Numbers 6; Panic 0; Speed 4"; Combat +0; Toughness 4; AI A; Weapon 1A  INVASION THREAT; 6+ ARMOR SAVE
Handguns; Auto Rifle
3 regs  Handgun 12"; 1 Shot; 0 Dmg; Pistol
2 specialists Auto Rifle 24"; 2 Shots; 0 Dmg; 
1 lieut Handgun + Blade  B"; --; 0 Dmg; Melee

4.  Set up the battlefield 

Seize The Initiative - No
Turn 1 - 4 move in Quick Phase.  Selene gets first kill, and stuns another.  Miak kills one and stuns the Lieutenant.  Selene gets stunned, but makes her Savvy roll so she does not go down.  The other crew move.
Turn 2 - Vonthos kills two with his shotgun.  Miak takes out one with his Rattle Gun; a second is hit but makes its armor save.  Selene misses.  The remaining two Infiltrators move, but miss.  Jaxx kills one with his Infantry Laser
Turn 3 - Selene takes out the final Infiltrator.

Post-Battle Steps

1.  Resolve Rival Status  -  No
2.  Resolve Patron Status  -   N/A
3.  Quest Progress  - N/A
4.  Get Paid - 8 CR
5.  Battlefield Finds: -  Debris - 1 CR worth
6.  Check for Invasion:  No Invasion
7  Gather the Loot:   Blast Rifle
8.  Injuries and Recovery: -  N/A
9.  Experience:  All gain 5 (3 +2 bonus); Selene gains 6.
10.  Invest in Advanced Training:  N/A
11.  Purchase Items:  N/A
12.  Campaign Event:  Renegotiate old debts - Reduce debt by 2 CR (-1 Story Point - tried to reroll)
13.  Character Event: Vilem - The Local Food Is Sitting Well With You (out of sick bay - he's finally figured it out)
14.  Galactic War Progress: N/A