Bug Hunt – Aethra System – Escaped Experiments, Kirs Station, What in the name of Ghu is that?

The inner airlock door opened.  In the distance stood 3 men in odd robes, and a huge, tentacled beast.  "You are too late - we have brought her back.  The fool scientists thought only to research her frozen corpse, but we knew - we knew she was still alive.  She called to us welcomed us, and now - and now - we shall eat the world!"

The large beast moved upright, disconnecting the cables and sensors from its body with a swipe of one of its tentacles, it's five great maws snapping open and shut.  

One tentacle wrapped around the Cultist leader, who screamed as he was thrown into the beast's open maw.  The other cultists paused, not sure whether to attack the Squad or the Beast.

The beast's shriek cut through the air, and the cultists, deciding that the squad might show mercy, turned their weapons on the beast.

Kevin and Dude moved up, firing as they did, but their shots, while hitting, had no effect.  The beast lashed out at the first cultist, grabbing him and devouring him.

Gunny moved forward, his weapon's range too short to fire.  The remaining cultist fired, but his shot went wide.

Kevin moved forward, tossing a grenade, the burst sending ripples through the beast's body, but did not seem to hurt it.  The beast ate the remaining cultists, and turned towards the Squad.  Gunny moved forward, firing, to no effect, and Dude got under cover, unleashing a torrent of flame.  That seemed to cause it some distress,  but it kept coming.

The thing advanced, lashing out a tentacle at Kevin.  It struck home, but his Union Trooper armor kept it from harming him.  He tossed another grenade, which seemed to hurt the beast slightly, as Dude and Gunny moved forward.

Kevin, using his psionic-enhanced abilities, went into a rage, charging it, and striking it, but was unable to hurt it.  He did push it back some.  Gunny, not one to let the kids play without him, charged it with his boarding sword, pushing it back again.  Dude, unable to use her incinerator with Gunny so close, fired her service pistol, but was unable to hurt it.

The beast lashed out at Gunny, cutting him down.  "No!" Kevin shouted, as he again used his psionic abilities to leap at the beast - while he was unable to injure it, he pushed it back from Gunny, then rolled out of the way.  Dude, firing her Incinerator, burned the thing to ash.

They stared down at Gunny, his armor crushed.  Dude quickly checked for vitals.  "He's alive.  Let's get him out of his can and back to base."

Returning to base, the Squad provided all the information on the beast.  Unity HQ would definitely be paying the owners of that base a visit.

I decided to try something different for the "boss fight".  Gave the beast Panic 0, Speed 3, Combat Skill +3, Toughness 6, Damage +3 and 2 luck.  One lucky Armor Save roll saved Kevin, and I finally used one of his psionic abilities to good effect.