Campaign Turn 10 – Hesione – Someone isn’t happy with us….

The Crew was working in the ship, getting everything shipshape before heading out to try to solve the mystery of Kazi and Vonthos' medallions.  Jaxx was on the bridge with Ginerva, going over everything - as an Empath, she could feel her way through flight better than Jaxx could, but she needed some training on the simulator first.

Vonthos was returning from an errand and was about to enter the ship, when a chirp from his chron registered an alert on the bridge.  Jaxx turned on all exterior cameras, and saw that Vonthos was laying on the ground, apparently knocked out by a pair of Rage Lizard mercenaries.  More mercs were preparing to breach the other two entrances to the Pigeon.

Jaxx hit the alarm "Heads up gang - Keast really, really doesn't like us.  Mercs inbound!"

Overhead view of the Renegade Pigeon

Mercs to the left (poor Vonthos)

Mercs to the rear

Mercs to the right

And Jaxx and Ginerva on the bridge

The warning gave the crew time to prepare a bit - as they were working on the ship, they were only carrying sidearms or blades.  All their main weapons were locked in the weapons locker in the living quarters (under the bridge deck).  With a couple of mercs incoming, Selene and Vilem moved right to the door, Selene drawing her knife, and Vilem reading his Cyberhand.

The Mercs burst in.  Vilem shot the one that came in, but the shot did not penetrate his armor.  Selen's blade, however, cut clean through, taking the lead Merc out.

Miak moved to engage the rear Merc - the leader.  With only a blade, he felt that his best chance was aggressive violence.
But the Rage Lizard merc was tougher than he looked.  And he looked pretty tough.  After an exchange of blows, both were slightly wounded.

Kazi had already run into the living quarters to arm herself.  Selene made a mad dash to get there, too, but was gunned down by a Rage Lizard.
Kazi ran out of their quarters, a Plasma Rifle in her hands.  "Selene!" she shouted as she unleashed a barrage of burning plasma at the mercs, taking one down.

Jaxx and Ginerva ran out of the bridge, and started firing, but their shots went wide.

They did manage to stun one with repeated volleys.
Miak and the leader continued their dance, both engaging and moving away.
Finally, Miak's luck ran out, but Vilem was moving up to assist.
Kazi continued to attack the mercs, exchanging plasma and laser blasts.  She took down the merc and moved to assist Miak and Vilem.

The Merc leader managed to take both out as Jaxx and Ginerva approaached.  Jaxx, furious at the injuries the mercs inflicted on his crew, moved out into the open and shot the merc leader with his overcharged Blast Pistol.  The bolt of energy burned a hole through the Mercs armor, his sternum, and dropped him hard.
After the battle was over, Jaxx and Ginerva helped their crewmates up.  Kazi would need a bit of time in Sick Bay, but a Med Patch took care of most of her injuries.  Selene was just staggered, her armor taking the brunt of the damage, and became unusable.  Miak's knife was damaged, as was Vilem's Cyber Hand.
All in all, the Crew was pleased that no one was more seriously injured.

However, in the aftermath, Vonthos mentioned that when he was out, he overheard oddly dressed people talking about the ship.  He took a quick picture, and Jaxx recognized the person - the person he "purchased" the ship from....

"Crew - Time to leave.  We have to take a trip out-system, lower the heat.... We'll return to finish the quest as quickly as we can."

Step 1

1.  Flee Invasion - N/A

2.  Decide whether to travel - No

3.  Starship travel event - N/A

4.  New world arrival steps - N/A

Step 2

1.  Upkeep and ship repairs.  2 CR

2.  Assign and resolve crew tasks

Jaxx - Repair shotgun attempt - success

Kazi - Explore - Time to relax, no effect

Selene - Train

Villem - Train

Miak - Trade - Ordnance.  Gain 2 Frakk and 1 Dazzle Grenades

Vonthos - Explore - I know a good deal when I see it.  Roll on Trace  Basic Firearm.  Choose Shotgun

Ginerva - Repair Handgun - fail

3.  Determine Job Offers

Rival Battle - 

4.  Assign Equipment 

5.  Resolve Rumors: 

6.  Choose Battle  

Readying for Battle -  

1.  Deployment Condition - Poor Visibility.  Max visibility 11".  They cut the lights.

1.  Notable Sight - Priority target: Select a random enemy figure. Add +1 to their Toughness. If they are slain, gain 1D3 credits.

2.  Objective - Rival RAID - If you fail to Hold the Field, your ship will take 1D6+1 points of Hull Point damage. If you have a spaceship model, it should be placed

dramatically on the table for this mission so that you have a visual reminder of what you are defending!

4.  Opponent Type - Rage Lizard Mercs

Numbers 5

Panic 1-2

Speed 4"

Combat Skill +1

Toughnes 5

AI Tactical - 3 teams, 8" apart

Weapons 3B

If a Rage Lizard is within 1" of terrain, they may add +1 to Brawling rolls

Hand Laser

Marksman's Rifle

4 troops; 1 specialist

4.  Set up the battlefield - Landing pad at starport.

Roll for positioning 

Bridge - Jaxx plus roll of [1] (Ginerva)

Living quarters 2 + 1 once the bridge is rolled

Hold 3-5 (Kazi, Selene, Miak, Vilem)

Engineering 6 - none

Adjusted rules - PISTOL and MELEE weapons only to begin; spending 1 full turn in Living Quarters can give access to other weapons or equipment.  Only Selene will be wearing armor, as she's never gonna go without it.




Seize The Initiative - We won; Kazi moves towards living area; J+G move towards docking bay; S&V move to ambush; M moves to cover

Turn 1

QA:  K,G,V - K moves to LQ.  V - Snap Fire - G moves & opens door

One RL fires & M and misses

Jaxx dashes; S brawls & kills one - first death!

Turn 2

V+S  Vilem snap shot; S dashes for LQ

RL moves in - Vilem kills with the snap shot

RL takes Selene out

M brawls; both stunned

K gets plasma Rifle

Turn 3

Kazi comes out, gets to cover, and unleashes hot plasma, stunning one RL

Miak shot - screen prevents death.  He brawls, but loses & gets stunned

V shoots & stuns

J shoots & misses (no pictures turn 3)

Turn 4

Q: V shoots & drops one

Lots of missing

Turn 5:

Q J, K, V

V moves to support M

K fires & misses

J firest & misses

RL fires at M and stuns

RL fires at K and stuns

M moves to cover

G fires and misses

TUrn 5

V moves into cover

G burns RL

RL drops M

J&G dash down stairs


V shoots & stuns R

RL fires back, stunning,

J shoots & misses


V goes down

WE all miss


G stuns

RL takes out Kazi

J moves to get clear shot, blows RL to hell with overloaded blast pistol

Post-Battle Steps

1.  Resolve Rival Status  - Did not have enough.  Also add new rival due to campaign thing

2.  Resolve Patron Status  -  N/A

3.  Quest Progress  - N/A

4.  Get Paid - 1 Cr

5.  Battlefield Finds: -  found Combat Serum

6.  Check for Invasion: N/A

7  Gather the Loot:   Found damaged rattle gun and needle rifle - Vonthos smashed 'em good before he went down.

8.  Injuries and Recovery: - 


Kazi minor injuries - 1 turn in sick bay - used Med Patch to eliminate

Selene - random item damaged - flack vest

Miak - blade damaged

Vilem - knocked out

9.  Experience:  assigned

10.  Invest in Advanced Training: N/A

11.  Purchase Items:  N/A

12.  Campaign Event:  You got noticed by someone you’d rather avoid.

Add a Rival. If you currently are on a Quest, the next campaign turn is automatically a battle against the new Rival, and they will add +1 to the number of enemies.

13.  Character Event: Jaxx - a personal enemy has tracked him down.  Add a rival