Campaign Turn 11 – Shan-2 – Keast Makes His Play

The crew was sitting in the food court area of the smallest, filthiest, quietest area of the tertiary spaceport on Shan-2, an iceball world in the Actogar system.  Low population of mining folk; good place to hide out for a bit. As they were finishing their meal at the Astro Burner Taqueria, Selene, always watchful, noticed something.  A group of Unity Grunts were talking to a well-dressed (and quite out of place) person, just at the edge of vision.  Jaxx tuned his communicator to the "bionic ear" setting, and listened. "Yes, Sergeant, I am sure these are the miscreants that opened up Native City WY445902 whatsit on Hesione.  These anarchists cost you good men." "We don't have warrants or any evidence." "All taken care of, Sergeant."  The well-dressed man slipped the Sergeant a thick packet - the sort used to hold Creds.   "I guess this is authorization enough.  Ok, men - these anarchists caused a number of our brothers and sisters their lives.  Let's teach them what it means to attack Unity." "Shit." Jaxx said, as the group listened in. Selene hit the catch on her luggage - a large piece that she was kidded about mercilessly.  It popped open revealing their long arms.  She grabbed her Shell Gun and moved to cover the team. "I thought that was clothing." Vonthos said, "But I'm glad it's not." "I'm a simple gal, big guy." Selene said as she loaded grenades into her shell gun.
The Crew enjoying their meal on the left; Unity Grunts to the right.  And a moose in the middle.
The Unity Grunts and a Dapper Looking Spook
The team started to move to flank the Grunts, with Selene holding down the middle.  The moment one of the grunts aimed his Military Rifle at her, she unloaded two shells from her Shell Gun, stunning one.  The Unity Grunts returned fire, winging her.
Selene fired again, stunning the same trooper.   They continue their advance, firing but missing due to cover.  Vonthos fires his shotgun, missing, but Vilem unloads his Fury Rifle, killing the Sergeant.  Miak opens up with his Rattle Gun, dropping another.  The remaining trooper of that team, being shot at by grenades, a machine gun, and a Fury Rifle decided that discretion was the better part of valor and fled.
Let the bodies hit the floor..  Let the bodies hit the floor..
Jaxx heard a call for backup through his communicator and called out "We may have more incoming.  Let's get out of here."
The Crew continued firing, dropping the other Unity Grunts and stunning the Spook, who fled the field.
Regrouping at the ship, Jaxx made an announcement.  "We're going back to Hesione and paying Keast a visit.  This nonsense has to end, one way or another."

The office of Austol Keast

Austol Keast sat at his desk at the end of a busy day - almost everyone else had already gone home, but he had to wrap up some things.  Another upstart mining company crushed, profits up 5%.  It was a good day.
Two messages popped up in his message box.  The first was from his agent on Shan-2.  "Unfortunately, the Unity Troops underestimated our prey, and our mission was unsuccessful.  We will have to develop a better threat profile.  Returning home.  Will arrive in three days via standard transport."
Keast stubbed out a NicoStik.  This was trouble, but nothing that couldn't be managed.  His Agent would develop a new plan.  Keast opened the second message.  "You want to play games?  So do we.  -Jaxx"
Keast spilled his Cafolux in a hurry to check travel times.  The messages were sent two days ago, by Fast Courier.  The Pearsall's ship, an old scout, could make the jump from Shen-2 to Hesione in.... two days.  He was about to call the Chief of Security when the building's alarm starting ringing.
To be continued.....
Step 1
1.  Flee Invasion - N/A
2.  Decide whether to travel - Yes - use military fuel so we don't have to pay
3.  Starship travel event - Distress Call - rolled 6.  Succeeded in Savvy roll.
Gain Hazard Suit and two Hot Shot Packs
4.  New world arrival steps - Two rivals followed - company that engineered vonthos and Keast.  World is invasion risk +1 on invasion rolls.  Jumped to Shan-2 in Actogar system.  Minimally populated iceball.
Shan-1 is a burning desert world, industrial, mining.  High population, repressive, people live in large arcologies toiling away.
Shan-2 is an iceball, some mining, mostly automated with a small population.
Shan-3 is just a rock.
There is a orbital base in the belt, where most mining is HQ'd.  System is managed by Dynamic Composites, based on Megesto.
Step 2
1.  Upkeep and ship repairs.  2 CR
2.  Assign and resolve crew tasks (to be resolved)
Jaxx - Repair Cyberhand - repaired
Kazi - Recovering
Selene - Train
Villem - Explore - Useful contact (former associate of Keast who was sent here for punishment) - next campaign turn, +1 to recruit, find patron or track rival
Miak - Trade - Gain 1 quest rumor
Vonthos -Explore - make a new friend - classmate from his home city who left to ply the mercenary trade.
Ginerva - Trade - 2 damaged seeker sights
3.  Determine Job Offers
Rival Battle - Unity grunts.  They tracked us down as the people who opened up Yoh-Vombis, and want their pound of flesh "off the books"
Numbers +2  Rolled 4, so 6, 5 grunts, one specialist
Panic 1
Speed 5
CS +1
Toughness 4
Weapons 2 C
Military Rifle
Hyper Blaster
6+ Saving Throw
Unique Individual - Corporate Spook - associate of Keast, working with Unity to track us down.
Speed 5", CS +1, Tough 4, AI C, Luck 1 Hand-Laser
If all other enemies are slain or bail, spook bails as well.  If spook slain, gain corporate rival.
SHOWDOWN in the Space Taco shop
4.  Assign Equipment
5.  Resolve Rumors: N/A
Readying for Battle -
1.  Deployment Condition - No Condition
1.  Notable Sight - Documentation - gain a quest rumor
2.  Objective - Showdown
4.  Opponent Type - Unity Grunts with Unique Individual
4.  Set up the battlefield -
Seize The Initiative - Yes
Turn 1 - Selene does not move; SNAP SHOT
Enemy moves; takes aim, so Selena fires, stunning one
Selena is shot and stunned
Turn 2 - Selene once again fires, stunning one.
The troops move up, but none hit.
Vonthos fires his shotgun, misses. Vilem fires his Fury Rifle, killing the Specialist.  Miak unleashes his Rattle Gun, killing a trooper.
One trooper panics
Battle event - possible reinforcements.  3 markers - at the start of each enemy turn, choose random marker, roll d6; on 5-6 a basic trooper appears
Turn 3 - All But Ginerva.  Selene fires, killing one, and stunning the spook.  The rest of the team fire, taking out all but the spook, who flees the battlefield.
1.  Rivals - Add Unity Grunts on Shan-2 as Rivals
2.  Patron - N/A
3.  Quest Progress - N/A
4.  Get Paid - 1 CR
5.  Battlefield Finds - Debris 1 Cr worth
6.  Check for Invasion - N/A
7.  Gather Loot - Hand Laser
8.  Injuries & Recovery - N/A
9.  Experience:
Jaxx 3
Selene 3
Vilem +4 First kill
Miak 3
Vonthos 3
Ginerva 3
10.  Invest in Advanced Training: N/A
11.  Purchase Items:  N/A
12.  Campaign Event:  Shady Character Offers Deal - no
13.  Character Event: Miak - Had a lot of time to burn.  Gets extra action.