Campaign Turn 12 – Back on Hesione – Keast Gets His

The crew sat nervously on the bridge of the Renegade Pigeon, The course back to Hesione was plotted, all nav plans logged, and all approvals granted.  Jaxx needlessly gripped the manual controls, although the computer was navigating much better than any human could.

Selene was the only one not on the bridge.  She was in the armory making sure all their weapons were maintained and ready to go.

The ship approached the jump point, and the computer engaged the FTL drive.  In an instant, the stars blacked out, the void opened up, and then, the stars of the Hesione system appeared.

Almost immediately upon jumping in, alarms started to chime on the Pigeon's control board.  "Jaxx - it's a distress call.  Scanners say debris field with an escape pod.  Plus 2 days for pickup.  We have to, don't we?"
"Yes, Kazi, we have to divert."  Jaxx turned to the rest of the crew, "Get some rest - we have a rescue, and then we make for Hesione at full burn."

The ship changed course to intercept the escape pod.  As they approached, the scanners identified the debris as a small one-man starship, no transponder - only the distress beacon.  Jaxx called to the crew "Team - something smells off on this.  We'll do the pickup, but be ready.  No heroes."

They continued their approach, scanning for mines, explosives, hidden stealth ships or bug eyed aliens.  But, as far as they could tell, the only thing out there was a debris cloud and the escape pod.

As they docked, Vilem and Selene suited up for a spacewalk.  They jetted over on thrusters, and grappled the escape pod, drawing it in to the Pig's hold.

Once pressure was restored, the team cracked open the escape pod, Selene and Miak at the ready.  There was one survivor, barely alive.  Ginerva looked him over.  "He took Survavan - slowed his metabolism to a crawl.  He's alive, but his brain activity is too low for me to read."  "Get him to sick bay", Jaxx said.  "Let's see who we picked up."

"Don't need to look, boss", Miak said.  "That's Korusion Vos Pentavos - smuggler, thief, mercenary, and pain in the Union's side.  Small bounty on him, but he's done nothing that we haven't done."

"Well, purge the logs of this pickup, get him up and about, and we'll drop him on Hesione."

As they landed on Hesione, and Korusion took his leave, he promised the team to take care of any "punks or thugs" that got in there way, if he could.

On Hesione, Vonthos and Ginerva headed out to lay a trail away from the Pig and definitely away from Keast.  Selene and Miak, using the information Vilem picked up on Shan-2, tracked Keast down.  They chose a time when the building would be mostly empty - just Keast and his bodyguards.

"We go in fast, take them out, and get out.  I'll jam transmissions out and we'll EMP the hell out of any surveillance gear they have inside.  Like the Space Scouts say, 'leave no trace'.  Kazi - you will stay back, monitoring for alarms.  Put plan Theta in place if  the cops pick up on this."
"Plan Theta?" Vonthos asked.
"Plan Theta - we have several explosives hidden around town.  Nothing that should hurt anyone, but they'll cause enough disruption to draw the law dog's attention for a bit.  My idea, and a damn good one." Selene answered.
"Oh-kay." Vonthos answered.
The team burst into the office building.  No secretary - good.  Barking of orders and shouting.

Keast's bodyguards came running through the hall, getting a lucky shot off at Selene, dropping her.

Bullets continued to fly - the enemy Specialist cutting through the crew with their rattle-gun.  Jax and Vilem caught bullets and went down, but their Stim-Pack autoinjectors kept them moving.  At least for now.
The crew kept advancing, their shots riddling the office building walls, and taking down both the lieutenant and the rattle-gunner.  More bodyguards appeared from other parts of the building, but the Crew made short work of them.

Moments later, and it was just Keast, one last bodyguard, and the Crew.

Even at close range, Keast proved to be tough, his armor protecting him from several shots.

Until finally, Miak put a bullet through Keast's heart, dropping him.  Miak checked the body.  "He won't be bothering us anymore."

Kazi came on the radio.  "Jaxx - there's chatter.  Theta?"

"Hold off Kazi - we're done here.  Heading to the ship."

Back at the ship, the crew carefully monitored the 'net, making sure that they weren't traced.  After a couple of days without any sign they were suspected, the crew went out to celebrate.

Step 1
1.  Flee Invasion - N/A
2.  Decide whether to travel - Yes - return to Hesione  Cost 5 CR
3.  Starship travel event -  58 - Escape Pod - Wanted Criminal; let them go.  Next time we get a Rival, on 4+, they are removed.
4.  New world arrival steps - 
1.  Check for Rivals - Only Keast follows
2.  Dismiss Patrons N/A
Step 2
1.  Upkeep and ship repairs.  2 CR
2.  Assign and resolve crew tasks  
+1 to Track Rival
Jaxx - Repair Flak Vest - Success
Kazi - Train
Selene - Track Rival - spend 2 CR
Villem - Repair Seeker Sight - Fail
Miak - Track Rival and Train
Vonthos - Decoy
Ginerva - Decoy
3.  Determine Job Offers
Tracked Rival
4.  Assign Equipment 
5.  Resolve Rumors: N/A
6.  Choose Battle  Attack a Rival 

Readying for Battle -  
RESPAWN 3 (first 3 regular troops dropped respawn)
1.  Deployment Condition - Gloomy - 9" Visibility (we cut the lights)
1.  Notable Sight -  Priority Target - Keast.  Add +1 to Toughness; if slain, gain 1d3 credits
2.  Objective - Eliminate - Eliminate Keast
4.  Opponent Type - 6 Corporate Security 
Panic 1, but if Keast goes down, roll additional die
Move 4"
Combat +1
Toughness 4
6+ Saving Throw
Weapons 2 B
Hand Laser
1 Specialists with Rattle Gun
1 Lieutenant with +1 CS and Blade, and 5+ Armor Save
3 Normal Troops
1 Veteran Troop with +1 CS
Unique Individual - Austol Keast (Priority Target)
Panic: Fearless
Move 4"
Combat +2
Toughness 5
Luck 1
Hand Cannon
Brutal Melee
6+ Saving Throw

4.  Set up the battlefield -
Seize The Initiative - 
Turn 1 - 
1.  Rivals - Defeated, removed from list
2.  Patron - N/A
3.  Quest Progress - N/A
4.  Get Paid - 6 CR
5.  Battlefield Finds - Debris 2 CR
6.  Check for Invasion - N/A
7.  Gather Loot - Found Blast Rifle
8.  Injuries & Recovery - Selene - Knocked out, no lasting effect
9.  Experience:
Jaxx 3
Selene 1
Vilem 3
Miak 4
Vonthos 3
Ginerva 3
10.  Invest in Advanced Training: N/A
11.  Purchase Items:  sold 3 items
12.  Campaign Event:  Mouthed off to wrong person.  Add rival
13.  Character Event: Vonthos - Make some local friends +1 XP