Meet the Crew

The Crew of the Cosmic Blunder, left to right

Magnus Irar, Human.  Born into a Wealthy Merchant Family, he grew up in a very chaotic environment, so he seeks Order.  His career was spent as part of a Starship Crew - one of his family's ships, until Biter, when he decided to go out on his own.
Type: Human(Vilani); Re: 1; Sp 4; CS: 0; T: 3 Sa: 1; Lu 1
Background:  Wealthy Merchant Family; Motivation: Order; Class: Starship Crew

Traveller Stats:  Age 46; 7 terms Merchant; 3rd Officer

Skill(s)*: Pilot/Navigator/Grav Vehicle

Vanessa (Ness) Aline, Human (Vilani).  A Military Brat, Ness became interested in science and joined Ling Standard Products as a Scientist researching new pharmaceuticals.  She wanted to help people, until she found out what LSP really was doing with the research...
Type: Human(Vilani); Re: 1; Sp 4; CS: 1; T: 3 Sa: 1; Lu 0
Background:  Military Brat; Motivation: Order; Class: Scientist

Traveller Stats: Age 26; 2 terms Scientist

Skill(s)*: Computer/Jack-of-all-Trades

Hkaaie Khawiyi, Aslan.  Was the runt of his litter, and was abandoned on Motmos in District 268, a Primitive World.  He had to scavenge ruins from the Fourth Frontier War to earn money to survive, and he seeks Adventure.
Type: Aslan(K'Erin); Re: 1; Sp 4; CS: 0; T: 5 Sa: 0; Lu 0
Background:  Primitive or Regressed World; Motivation: Adventure; Class: Scavenger

Traveller Stats: Age 32; 2 terms Outcast

Skill(s)*: Engineer/Mechanic

CR4NK3 (Cranky) was discovered and repaired by Hkaaie on Motmos (guided by CR4NK3, who had just enough functionality to guide and instruct Hkaaie).  He now serves as Hkaaie's valet and fellow trouble-maker.
Type: Robot; Re: 2; Sp 4; CS: 1; T: 4 Sa: 2; Lu 0; Save 6+

Traveller Stats:  Based on Rashush Original Robot (101 Robots) with a different skill package

N856xx (full robot UPP: 653x2-A2-NP226-N856(A) 33/83 (mesh))

Skill(s)*: Engineer/Medic/Grav Vehicle

Ouroz Aetaez, Vargr.  A Bureaucrat on Tenalphi, Ouroz Negotiated many deals for the Cooper family businesses.  As Vargr do, he seeks to gain Power among his people (and all people) by gaining charisma and forming a big pack.
Type: Vargr(Feral); Re: 1; Sp 4; CS: 0; T: 3 Sa: 0; Lu 0
Background:  Bureaucrat;  Motivation: Power; Class: Negotiator

Traveller Stats: Age 30; 3 terms Emmisary


Skill(s)*: Admin/Leader/Liason/Medic

Seeker Paul of Three Stars, Human (psionic) - Lived in an Isolationist Enclave just outside the Imperial Borders, Seeker Paul believes the Ancients are gods, and his Faith in them gives his life focus.  He was the 'face' of the Enclave, Negotiating with outsiders.
Type: Human(Vilani); Re: 1; Sp 4; CS: 0; T: 3 Sa: 0; Lu 0
Background:  Isolationist Enclave Motivation: Faith; Class: Negotiator

Traveller Stats: Age 26; 2 terms Bureacrat
Skill(s)*: Admin/Liason/Carousing
Psionics: Shock; Psionic Scare

2 Rivals (1 from Ouroz, 1 from Ness)

4 Patrons (Ness, Ouroz, Seeker Paul, Magnus)

In a shocking and almost contrived coincidence, all were on the mainworld of the Biter system in the Sword Worlds when the Imperium invaded (the Imperium claim it was a measured response to continued raiding; the Sword Worlders claim it was an unwarranted invasion).  Having worked with the Sword Worlders for a while, the five individuals and one robot found themselves struggling with the Sword Worlders across many battles, providing support, and forged strong friendships with each other, becoming War Buddies.  They are considered Hardened Rebels by some Sword Worlders and Imperials alike, which has caused some friction as they adventured in the Lunion subsector

Sitting in the Sonhoff Tavern in the Tenalphi startown (Lunion subsector, Spinward Marches), the future crew of the Cosmic Blunder waits Ouroz' return.  The Vargr was always rather.... unreliable, but he did have a way with people.

"Good news boss!  Er, I mean 'Captain'", Ouroz said with a grin.  "Got the funding, and got the ship - a Jump-2 refitted Type-R subsidized merchant!  Only 150 years old, flown only on weekends by a retired couple visiting their grandkids!"

Magnus and Ness shared an uncomfortable glance.  Ouroz continued.  "I followed up on Seeker Paul's contact, and they loaned us the money - excellent deal!  Low interest, no strings attached.  Oh, and they asked me to give this to Seeker Paul."  Ouroz handed Paul a book.  A physical book, with what appeared to be real Nobble leather from Tarsus.  The pages inside were damaged and mostly unreadable, but the title of the book - "Twilight's Peak".

"That myth?"  Magnus said.  "My family has heard that tale a dozen times.  Many teams have gone searching for the so-called 'lost treasure', to no avail."

"My people would not give this to me to hunt for buried treasure.  It has more meaning.  I will meditate on it; perhaps I will be drawn to a greater secret."  Paul replied.  "Regardless, we have our ship.  Ouroz should be congratulated."

An uncomfortable look crossed Ouroz' face.  "There's only one problem.......  The ship is in orbit, and it doesn't come with its launch.  There's one for sale at Honest Giilim's Used Vessels, but it's 15 credits."

"Having said that...", Ouroz continued, "One of my contacts is pulling in a favor.  I know we have a number of jobs on the table, but this one needs to be done ASAP.  Pay is mediocre, but I owe 'em.  Simple job - secure a cargo drop until the client can pick it up.  The only complication is that one of my contact's uh, competitors, got wind of it and is sending a crew to 'liberate' the cargo.  Should be easy money."

The team let out a collective sigh.  Whenever Ouroz said something was 'easy money', there was bound to be trouble.  Getting to the ship will have to wait....

* Note that I have generated Classic Traveller versions of the crew; their Traveller skills will not be used within a 5 Parsecs From Home campaign turn, but may be used in interludes and/or in starship combat.