Turn 3 – Mission On Mithril Part 2: Of Light, Shadow and Aslan

Report to Warden Rikard of Mithril by Magnus Irar of the starship 'Cosmic Blunder':

Day 18 of this trek across the icy wastes of Mithril.  Ouroz was up and around, but still not quite right.  We had been eating local wildlife - as you said, quite edible, and almost tasty.  On the way, we spotted a number of those ice bugs, but the laser cannon was used to drive them off.

While our injured were tended to, CR4NK3 and I worked on our equipment.  CR4NK3 deftly repaired our Beam Light, but I could not repair the Hand Laser.  If we do not have it repaired by the time we return, we may ask for assistance.

As we arrived at the first spot we were to investigate, we notice an ATV already there, near a cliff wall.  Outside the ATV was a group of Aslan, looking up at the cliff, where we saw a huge carved bas-relief of an Aslan.

We turned to Hkaaie, who was still healing from his injuries and showed him an image of the Aslan.  "Grah!  Those are of the so-called 'Glorious Empire' - slavers, scavengers, and completely without honor.  We shall not leave here without a fight."

I had to sigh.  "Well, there are four of them, and Ouroz says he can fight, so there's three of us.  They're outnumbered."

Hkaaie tried to sit up, but slumped back into the medi-cot.  "I should go with you and fight them.  Sadly, I have no strength yet.  If they kill you, I will mourn your memory for a brief time."

Magnus smiled "We would be greatful for that.  But we aren't dead yet."

This area of the planet was very rough, with ice and rock outcroppings creating a labyrinth of terrain.  CR4NK3 parked the ATV, and CR4NK3 and Ouroz and I stepped out into the icy cold.  The skies were clear, so visibility was good.

CR4NK3 parked the ATV out of view of the Aslan - but they had clearly heard and seen us.  CR4NK3's sensors detected them moving towards us on foot.

The Aslan advanced - CR4NK3's sensors continually broadcast their positions to the crew.  We started to maneuver carefully, trying to pick out positions of deep cover.  Ouroz found a spot with a good field of view, and fired a shot as an Aslan came into his view.  Unfortunately, his shot went wide.

After the first shot, CR4NK3 set off at a dash, trying to make it to the most advantageous position possible.  The Aslan continued their approach, with one firing at Ouroz - fortunately, missing.

Ouroz took that personally, and ran up and fired, his shot finding its mark and killing the Aslan that shot at him.

CR4NK3 noticed his Military Rifle was fairly iced up.  Instead of trusting it, he switched to the more potent, but shorter ranged Blast Rifle.

Swinging the Blast Rifle into action, CR4NK3 fired at the Aslan leader, but missed.  The leader fired back, the shot barely winging CR4NK3, momentarily stunning him.  I had a momentary vision of CR4NK3 taking the shot and falling to the ground, but I could not linger on nightmares while a battle was ongoing (CR4NK3 was shot and taken out; used a Story Point to reroll damage, which resulted in a Stun).  The other Aslan, Ouroz and I continued to maneuver to get a proper shot, firing our weapons, but missing.

Having found good positions, both Ouroz and CR4NK3 stood still, firing their weapons.  Unfortunately, both shots missed.  The Aslan, apparently feeling they needed to close in on us, charged, dashing straight towards us, abandoning cover.  I switched to my Beam Pistol, and fired at the Leader, stunning him.

CR4NK3 took aim at the leader, who was still reeling from my shot, and dropped him.  One of the remaining Aslan moved into cover, firing at CR4NK3, but missed.  The other Aslan took aim at Ouroz, and his shot hit home, dropping Ouroz hard.

One of the Aslan moved up closer to my position, firing and missing.  My return shot struck home, the Beam Pistol doing its job, dropping the Aslan.  CR4NK3 was able to move to get a clear shot at the one remaining Aslan outlaw, and shot & killed him.

After checking on Ouroz and finding him shaken but unhurt - his rifle took the brunt of the shot, miraculously leaving Ouroz unharmed, we examined the bas-relief sculpture of an Aslan that the Glorious Empire Aslan were studying.  CR4NK3 dated it to well before when the Aslan were supposed to have Jump Drive capability.  I am sure you grasp the gravity of the discovery - if the dating was true, which CR4NK3 assured us it was, then the Aslan must be a Major Race - independently discovering Jump Drive!  This information could change the Imperium and Sword World's views on the Aslan - and could embolden the Aslans' expansionist plans.

I discussed this in depth with our Aslan crewmember, Hkaaie, and he perked up greatly.  His response was "This means my people are equals to yours when it comes to walking among the stars!"  I had never seen Hkaaie look so proud and noble as in that moment, and if it affected Hkaaie that much, then the various Ihatei will take it as proof of their place among the stars as conquerors.

While I can't tell you what to do with this information, I would suggest treating it with the utmost secrecy. Neither the Imperium nor the Sword Worlds needs an Aslan invasion to deal with.

Turn Details
The Crew

Magnus Cooper - Captain/Pilot
Hkaii Khawiyi - Engineer (in sick bay)
CR4NK3 - Engineer
Ouroz Aetaez - Broker/Admin
Seeker Paul - Broker (in sick bay)

Step 1
1.  Flee Invasion - N/A
2.  Decide whether to travel - n/a
3.  Starship travel event - n/a
4.  New world arrival steps - n/a

1.  Check for Rivals -  
2.  Dismiss Patrons -
3 - Licensing -
4 - world characteristics -
  Lacks starship facilities - you cannot spend more than 3 credits per campaign turn on starship repairs
  Frozen - any character making a Dash may opt to Slide.  They move 1d6 in a straight line and must move the full distance.
           If they  collide with anything they and any character they collide with are knocked 1" in a random direction
           and become stunned

Step 2
1.  Upkeep and ship repairs. 1CR.  paid 1cr vs ship debt, breaking even (total 2 cr)

2.  Assign and resolve crew tasks  (Deferred until end of Mithril
Magnus - Attempt repair of Hand Laser - Fail
CR4NK3 - Attempt repair of Beam Light - Success

3.  Determine Job Offers
Patron (Warden - Sector Government) - Danger Pay +2 Cr  B/H/C - none

4.  Assign Equipment -

5.  Resolve Rumors: - n/a
6.  Choose Battle - Patron Mission - Travel cross world in a loaned ATV to discover the strange phenomonon at Point B on the map.
   Point B is the Jagged Cliff encounter, so the opponent will be Aslan (K'Erin).

Readying for Battle -  

World Settings -
1.  Deployment Condition - Slippery ground - all movement at ground level is -1 Speed
2.  Notable Sight -  Nothing Special
3.  Objective - Fight Off
4.  Opponent Type - Criminal Elements - K'Erin Outlaws
::: Stubborn::: Ignore first casualty when making a Morale check
Enemy Number 4
Panic: 1; Speed: 4"; CS: +1; Tough: 4; AI: Aggressive; Weapons 2A
Colony Rifle/Hunting Rifle

Difficulty - n/a

Normal 2
Panic: 1; Speed: 4"; CS: +1; Tough: 4; AI: Aggressive;
Colony Rifle

Specialist 1
Panic: 1; Speed: 4"; CS: +1; Tough: 4; AI: Aggressive;
Hunting Rifle

Lieutenant 1
Panic: 1; Speed: 4"; CS: +2; Tough: 4; AI: Aggressive;
Hunting Rifle


AI - Aggressive
Aggressive and Rampaging enemies will set up in one “cluster” with 1” between each figure.
Base condition: If able to engage an opponent in brawling combat this round, advance to do so.
1 = maneuver within current cover to fire
2 = maneuver within current cover to fire
3 = advance to next forward position in cover.  fire if eligible
4 = advance and fire on nearest enemy; use cover
5 = advance and fire on nearest enemy; fastest route
6 = dash towards nearest enemy; fastest route

4.  Set up the battlefield -
Initial setup -

Set up terrain:

Seize The Initiative - No
 Note that this turn, it is just Magnus, CR4NK3 and Ouroz fighting.....
Turn 1
No characters made reaction rolls
Aslan maneuvered closer - no LOS
Team moves up; Ouroz gains LOS and fires at one Aslan, missing.

Turn 2
Cr4NK3 gains reaction and Dashes forward
Aslan firest at Ouroz and misses.  Others dash forward.
Ouroz moves up and shoots, killing one Aslan and gaining First Blood
Magnus dashes up to get into postion

Battle Event - Ammo Fault - the cold weather jams up his Military Rifle, so he only gets one shot.  Fortuately, the Blast Rifle works fine.

Turn 3
Cr4NKE has reaction.  Moves & shoots @ lieutenant - misses
Lt. fires at CR4NK3 and hits - would have killed, but [Story Point] and only stuns
Specialist moves & fires; missing,
Ouroz & Magnus move & shoot, missing

Turn 4
Cr4nk3 and Ouroz have Reaction  Ouroz stays still & fires, missing.  CR does the same and also misses.
Aslan feel aggressive and all dash forward.
Magnus switches to beam pistol, moves up and fires at leader, stunning him.

Battle Event -- Backup.  N/A

Turn 5 - Cr4KN3 has reactino.  Moves back and fires blast rifle, killing leader.
Aslan move into cover and fire at CR4NK3, missing.
Aslant moves & fires on Ouroz and hits, taking him down.

Turn 6
Aslan moves up and fires at Magnus, missing
CR4NK3 has clear shot - shoots & hits, killing last Aslan.
Held the Field

1.  Rivals - n/a
2.  Patron - stays on list
3.  Quest Progress - n/a
4.  Get Paid - 3 cr + 2 cr danger pay (deferred)
5.  Battlefield Finds - Blade
6.  Check for Invasion - n/a
7.  Gather Loot - 2 damaged weapons - ripper sword and 3 frakk grenades
8.  Injuries & Recovery - Ouroz died [used story point to re-roll] - miraculous escape; lost military rifle
9.  Experience:
Magnus 4
Hkaaie 1
CR4NK3 n/a
Ouroz 4
Paul 0
10.  Invest in Advanced Training: n/a
11.  Purchase Items:  n/a
12.  Campaign Event:  Life support on ship eeds repair badly  - cost 1 Cr to fix before next travel
13.  Character Event: Magnus has heart-to-heart with Hkaaie - both earn 1 XP

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