Turn 4 – Mission On Mithril Part 3: Radioactive Robots?!!!
Report to Warden Rikard of Mithril by Magnus Irar of the starship 'Cosmic Blunder':
After leaving the cliff area, we followed the snow plains north-northwest until we reached the second point we needed to investigate - it took us four days, one day longer than expected due to a concealed gully that hung the ATV up.
The Warden asked us to investigate why the shoreline along the promontory is not frozen, although similar situations at this latitude are. After wandering around and taking readings, we determined that the ocean is warmer than typical for this latitude, due to a current flowing from the equator. We fully documented our findings, then left.
We decided to trust the ice shelf over open sea to get to the next point. Estimate of six days on the ice shelf before we returned to land. We avoided the coast to limit the risk of thin ice; this complicated refueling, but we decided to try.
It may have not been the best plan, however - local conditions, including thin ice and deep snow, caused our travel time to be doubled. Rations started getting thin, and Hkaaie started to lick his chops a bit too much for my comfort.
As soon as we made landfall, we spotted one of the local animals - a large predator. The meat was gamey, but it was food.
The rest of the trip to the final investigation point went smoothly. We encountered enough herd animals to restock our supplies.
During the trip, we also chose to repair our broken gear. Well, CR4NK3 and I did. Ouroz was taking every opportunity to train himself; I guess he was tired of taking hits and going down. Can't say I blame him.
When we arrived at the final investigation point, our ATV's radiation sensors started to alert us to low-grade but unusual radiation - so we knew we were in the right place. Once we got into visual range, we noticed two things - what appeared to be melted spots in the snow, with the reflection of metal. And robots. Robots acting strangely, moving containers of some sort around in a random patter. The radiation here was tolerable with protective suits, so we parked the ATV and CR4NK3, Ouroz and I got out to investigate.
The robots immediately noticed us. Lights and sparks flashing, they began to move in our direction.
CR4NK3 announced "This level of radiation can cause damage to a robot's processing unit over a long period of time. In this case, the robots appear to have interpreted our arrival as a threat to their duties, and therefore seek to eliminate us. I propose we open fire."
"You don't have to tell me twice", Ouroz barked.
The crew divided up, Magnus to the left, CR4NK3 down the center, and Ouroz off to the right. The robots formed up into groups and moved towards the crew with as much haste as they could. The crew continued to seek advantageous spots, taking shots when they could. Magnus noticed a peculiar glint in the ice and started moving towards it, keeping his eyes on the advancing robots.
As the robots closed the distance, Magnus switched to his Beam Pistol; since none of them had great success at hitting the robots at a distance, he thought the shorter range, more nimble weapon would work better.
CR4NK3 managed to destroy one of the robots at range, but then the robots reached the crew. Magnus was able to get a shot off before they reached him, destroying the second robot.
The leader robot reached Magnus, its frozen appendages waving threateningly. Magnus dodged back, firing wildly - one shot struck the leader robot, causing it to cease moving.
A robot reached CR4NK3, shocking him but doing no permanent harm. The final robot reached Ouroz, who was more nimble and stunned the robot.
The robot advanced upon the stunned CR4NK3 again, brawling. This time, CR4NK3 was able to strike the robot, destroying it. However, the robot also struck CR4NK3, who crumpled to the ground, sparks flying.
Ouroz backed up, firing as he moved, his aim true (at this range, how could it not?), and destroyed the robot. With the robots destroyed, Ouroz went to check on CR4NK3, who was already standing up on his own. Magnus reached the odd object he found - which turned out to be a well-preserved Aslan warrior, still wearing his frozen combat armor. Magnus was also able to scavenge a Stim Pack from the frozen Aslan.
The crew documented the radioactive debris - a large number of canisters, some still sealed, some broken - all with Aslan symbols on them. Once the documentation was complete, the crew returned to the ATV for the trek back to the starport.
On the way back, Seeker Paul was responding better than they expected. While he will still be down for a bit, his prognosis was better than expected.
About twelve days later, they arrived at the Starport, and gave the Warden the information he requested. "Fantastic! This will get my boss off my back. Oh, by the way - your life support was failing. You might not have survived your next jump. I took care of it. I'll just subtrace the cost from your pay."
After some negotiation and haggling, the crew parted ways with the Warden, boarded their ship, and took off. Next stop, Dinomn, with some trading along the way.
Turn 2 - Mission to Mithril, part 3
The Crew
Magnus Cooper - Captain/Pilot
Hkaii Khawiyi - Engineer - Sick Bay
CR4NK3 - Engineer
Ouroz Aetaez - Broker/Admin
Seeker Paul - Broker - Sick Bay
Step 1
1. Flee Invasion - N/A
2. Decide whether to travel - n/a
3. Starship travel event - n/a
4. New world arrival steps -
1. Check for Rivals - n/a
2. Dismiss Patrons - n/a
3 - Licensing - No
4 - world characteristics -
Lacks starship facilities - you cannot spend more than 3 credits per campaign turn on starship repairs
Frozen - any character making a Dash may opt to Slide. They move 1d6 in a straight line and must move the full distance.
If they collide with anything they and any character they collide with are knocked 1" in a random direction
and become stunned
Step 2
1. Upkeep and ship repairs. 1CR. paid 1cr vs ship debt, breaking even (total 2 cr vs debt)
2. Assign and resolve crew tasks
Magnus - Repair
CR4NK3 - Repair
Ouroz - Train
3. Determine Job Offers
Patron job - Local Gov't
Danger Pay +2
Time Frame - this turn
B/H/C: One-time Contact: This patron can not be retained as a contact (no biggie - we're leaving)
4. Assign Equipment -
5. Resolve Rumors: - n/a
6. Choose Battle - Note -
Travel cross world in a loaned ATV to discover the strange phenomonon at Point A on the map.
Point A is a crashed starship with radioactive debris and a bunch of Haywire Robots
Readying for Battle -
World Settings -
1. Deployment Condition - Slippery ground - all movement at ground level is -1 Speed
2. Notable Sight - Peculiar Item: Gain +2 XP - place 2D6+2 in random direction from center of table.
3. Objective - Fight Off
4. Opponent Type - Roving Threats - Haywire Robots
Numbers +2; Total 6; reduced by 1 due to our count so 5
Enemy Number 5
Panic: 0; Speed: 3"; CS: +0; Tough: 4; AI: Rampaging; Smash (Damage +0)
Careless: You are +1 to Seize the Initiative; 6+ Saving Throw
Rampaging enemies will move as fast as possible towards the closest opponent, and will always attempt to enter Brawling combat
Difficulty - n/a
Normal x 4
Panic: 0; Speed: 3"; CS: +0; Tough: 4; AI: R; Smash (Damage +0) SAVE 6+
Lieutenant 1
Panic: 0; Speed: 3"; CS: +1; Tough: 4; AI: R; Smash (Damage +0) SAVE 6+
AI - Rampaging - Rampaging enemies will move as fast as possible towards the closest opponent, and will always attempt to enter Brawling combat
4. Set up the battlefield -
Initial setup -
Set up terrain:
Seize The Initiative - Yes
Every character in your crew may either take a normal Move or may fire before the battle begins. Any shots taken only AIHit on a natural 6.
Initiative phase
Team moves up to get to advantageous spots. Magnus moves towards peculiar item
Turn 1
No Reaction rolls made
Robots move
Magnus continues to peculiar item
CR4NK3 and Ouroz split up and dash
Turn 2
Magnus moves in Fast phase. He dashes towards peculiar item
Robots continue their advane
CR4NK3 moves to top of hill and fires - hits, stuns
Ouroz also moves up and fires, missing
Battle Event - you want me to check this out? CR4NK3 - No.
Turn 3
Magnus and CR4NK3 move in fast phase.
Magnus moves & shoots - misses
CR4NK3 shoots - misses
Bots move
Ouroz moves & shoots - misses
Turn 4
No one moves in fast phase
Bots move
Magnus switches to Beam Pistol; shoots & stuns a robot
CR4NK3 shoots and misses
Ouroz moves & shoots, missing
Battle Event
A desperate Plan. Magnus gives up his turn to let CR4NK3 act twice.
Turn 5
No one gains Reaction, but CR4NK3 gets to act. He shoots & misses
Robots move
CR4NK3 shoots again and hits, destroying a robot
Ouroz backs up and shoots, missing
Turn 6
CR4NK3 and Magnus move in fast phase
CR4NK3 shoots & misses
Magnus shoots and hits, destroying a robot.
Leader moves up to Magnus and brawls; Magnus wins and destroys robot.
Robot moves up to Ouroz and brawls; Ouroz wins, stunning the robot
Robot brawls CR4NK3 and wins, stunning CR4NK3
Turn 7
Robot brawls CR4NK3, and they tie. Both go down.
Ouroz backs up and shoots, destroying the robot.
Magnus dashes to Peculiar Object.
1. Rivals - n/a
2. Patron - Yes
3. Quest Progress - n/a
4. Get Paid - Cr 3
5. Battlefield Finds - Usable Goods - Stim Pak
6. Check for Invasion - n/a
7. Gather Loot - Aslan combat armor
8. Injuries & Recovery - CR4NK3 - Just a few dents
9. Experience:
Magnus +5
Hkaaie -
CR4NK3 -
Ouroz +3
10. Invest in Advanced Training: n/a
11. Purchase Items: n/a
12. Campaign Event: A chance meeting turns into a new ally - roll up new char and add to crew or gain +1 story point
13. Character Event: (Seeker Paul) - The local food is sitting well with you. If in sick bay, reduct recovery time by one
campaign turn. If not, earn +1 XP
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