Campaign Turn 13 – Hesione – Nervous Tapping of Fingers

 After a long hiatus, I am back (hopefully).  Documenting the last turn I played before shutting down for a while.

Celebrations over, the crew of the Renegade Pigeon prepared to finally discover the mystery they had been tracking down since they first banded together.  The two artifacts that they had - one given to Kazi by her mother, and one in the possession of the alien treasure-hunter, Vonthos, led to Hesione.

There were many challenges along the way.  And today was no different.

"She went where?" Jaxx asked.  "Out to explore", Selene responded.  "She and Miak went out together."

"Hey boss - don't look at me like that" Miak responded.  "She has a mind of her own, you know."

Jaxx sighed.  They had made sure their many rivals were distracted, but Hesione was getting too hot.  "Boss - while we're waiting for Kazi, I got us a job.  Simple in-and-out, taking out some mercs who captured a corporate outpost.  Good pay."

"Which mercs?"

"Rage Lizards.  You know, the ones who tried to take the ship."

Jaxx looked at the team.  "Suit up, prep Speckled Jim, and leave a message for Kazi. "

Patron Mission

DIFFICULTY SETTINGS:  Respawn 3 (first 3 regular troops respawn), Strength 2 (add 2 additional basic enemies)



NOTABLE SIGHTS:  Really shiny bits, gain 2 CR


OPPONENT:  Hired Muscle - Rage Lizard Mercs (-1 to Seize the Initiative)

6 Mercs (4 Regular, 1 Specialist, 1 Lieutenant) - Blast Rifles and Shell Gun

{Note - I can not find the paper where I wrote this up - after all, it was 5 months ago - so not a lot of turn-by-turn info)

The Battlefield

Rage Lizards saw us coming, got to cover

Taking what cover we ca

They're coming right for us!

Area Effect Fire from Selene's Shell Gun is a beautiful thing

We're starting to get pinged a bit

The Rage Lizards continue to advance, using the buildings as cover

We're moving up the flank, using natural cover as much as possible

More Rage Lizards go down.  For Mercs, they're kinda pathetic.

Jaxx gets stunned while moving up.

They think they're sneaking up on Villem.

Let the bodies hit the floor.....

Ginerva:  "I can kill you with my mind... but guns work better"

The real heroes of this battle.

After the last Merc falls, the team regroups.  Selene gathers up some trinkets - a Deflector Field, a damaged Flak Screen and a damaged Flak Vest, and then the team departed.

For such an important mission, the pay was a paltry 4 CR, but with an additional 2 from some shiny bits that ended up in the team's pockets.

Unfortunately, the Rage Lizards were able to upload information on the Jim, and the team now had another rival to deal with.

After the team returned to the Renegade Pigeon, they found Kazi waiting for them "I had to walk around, clear my head.  But I'm ready to find out what Mom was looking for."