Bug Hunt – Kethira Station, Actogor System

I didn't want to 3d print 20 or so "Slithering Horrors", so I decided to try this turn in Roll 20.  Created some quick macros to help, uploaded some tokens, and went at it.  Based on the results, I should have stuck with dice and minis....

"Ok, Team - Listen Up", Dude said, her voice shaky, "We have our next mission.  Kethira station in the Actogor system has been infested by some kind of alien goop-creatures.  We go in, burn them, get out."

"Dude, calm down.  I know Gunny left, but it's just us." Kevin said.

"Quiet down, Kevin.  Here's the layout of the station.  We hit these three spots, kill as many things as we can, and call for evac.  We're bringing my incinerator, Flamey, and grenades.  Now suit up, and move out."

The team moved in, securing  the entrance.  Blips all over. 

The team advanced, getting through the main doorway, burning and shooting their way through many of the Slithering Horrors.  Dude and Vile stayed in the larger room, while Kevin led the Troopers to secure the lower docking bay objectives.

Unfortunately, many Horrors appeared in Kevin's path, and he went down with most of his troopers.  Vile moved up to cover, but the swarm overcame him, as well.  Finally, Dude moved back, taking care of two of the three objectives before she, too, went down.

The team was emergency evac'd.  Kevin was just knocked out, and would recover.  Vile received minor wounds, but Dude did not make it.

Losing both Gunny and Dude made Kevin think about his future.  Unity kept throwing him at the meat grinder, so he chose to leave the service, and strike out on his own.  He felt drawn to the desolate wasteland of Besula, a former resource extraction colony, now a hive of crime, by a force he could not understand, so he used his severance to buy a ticket on a commercial ship.

Thus ends the Bug Hunt campaign.