Bug Hunt – Aethra System – Escaped Experiments, Kirs Station, Going even deeper

"Kraff!  More industrial mess.  Oh well, team - we're alone, but we have grenades.  We have to move through this sector, grab a security key the brainiacs left laying about, then make it to the big gate.  Once there, we go through, and we should be at the control center."

"Then we kill whatever's causing this mess, and go home."

The squad ventured through the labyrinthian levels of the base.  Tentacled creepers slithered around, but the squad, with help from Dude's incinerator and some well placed grenades, made short work of them.

"This is easy - too easy" Kevin said. "These things are so slow, they just can't catch us."

"Shut it Kevin - don't press our luck."

"We'd be luckier if you called me Kid"

"Shut it Kevin"

The squad found the security key, and with military precision, made it to the big gate, opening it and stepping through.

"What's an airlock doing here?" Dude said as the pressure cycled.

The inner airlock opened.  
