Bug Hunt! Introducing the team
There was a knock on the Commander's door. Kraff - must be important. No one knocks for trivial reasons.
The Lieutenant looked nervous. Scared, really. "Major Xilliam, sir! Report from Hesione base. Some local looters broke in to Hesione Native City WY445902-1047146 and reported a Swarm Brood nest."
Kraff..... As if we didn't have enough problems, with the K'Erin acting up, and reports of something pushing them to invade.
"What strike teams do we have available?"
"Strike Team Gamma Charlie Five Five Seven - the 'Gray Cats' just arrived from Lam on the Strike Ship Rogger, Sir. Requested R&R."
"Ah, the nasty business with the Razor Lizards and the science teams. Get them moving, attach whichever fire team is on rotation there, and notify Hesione to scrounge up whatever they can spare."
"Sir - the 'Gray Cats' are under-strength. Corporal "Torch" Antorn, well, went AWOL"
"Well, we have recruits, right? Get one into action."
"Sir, the only one unattached is a 'special' from the prison world Aguez. No one else wanted him."
"Can't blame them. 'Specials' make me nervous, too. Well, the 'Gray Cats' are soldiers. They'll deal. Attach him and send them out."
Update - with Gunny's retirement, the Squad has recruited Private Soldeth "Vile" Vilux from the Unity Army to join the squad.
Strike Team Gamma Charlie Five Five Seven - Gray Cats
Unity Marine Strike Team based on the USS Rogger
Tactical Expert, Survival Training
Psi Talent - Empath, Close Combat
Former Members
Gunnery Sergeant X'otak Arnaf "Gunny"
Mustered Out