Campaign Turn 9 – Hesione – The Quest Is The Quest

 "But Jaxx, you promised!"   Kazi was in a rare bad mood.  With the heat coming from Mr. Keast, the crew was urging Jaxx to leave the planet, and hopefully keep any more mercenaries at bay.  Kazi, however, was sure that the secret that her parents were tracking down was here.  They've found too many clues leading that way, and now have coordinates to explore.

"One more, then we're out.  We're chasing ghosts."

The rest of the crew grudgingly agreed.  "Where is this so-called 'quest' leading us now?"  Vilem asked, keeping his eyes on the exterior security cameras, in case any Rage Lizard Mercs showed up.

"An abandoned underground city of the original people that lived here.  Before Unity arrived.  Many resisted, and Unity of course, pushed back, invading their underground cities and wiping out everyone who resisted.  The first wave of settlers came to call it 'Yoh-Vombis' after some old short story, and they say it's haunted.  Unity had declared it off-limits, so we'll have to stealth our way in."

Selene, looking more pale than usual, grabbed a helmet from the armory to adjust.  "I've read that story."

The crew took the Speckled Jim out towards the site, flying Nap-Of-Earth to avoid Unity detection.  The map, generated and enhanced by the computers on the Renegade Pigeon, led them straight to the city.

Entering the city, all was quiet.  A few native-equivalents of rats and bats startled, but kept out of the Crew's way.  Heading in and down, past old battle-scarred walls and the skeletons of the former residents of the city, they found an underground plaza.  The ceiling, lit by the crew's flashlights, must be 30 meters tall.  Carved stone walls and trilithons formed a pattern, pointing to a large stone in the center of the chamber - a stone almost identical to the ones that the Mutants chased them away from.

Selene loaded a pair of Illumidrone grenades into her Shell Gun and launched them, casting an adequate light throughout the chamber.  "Well, now anything here will know we're here."  Vilem said through clenched teeth, his eyes glancing around rapidly.

The Battle Board

"They already do."

A faint scrabbling of claws on stone could be heard from the far end.  Something was moving.

"Miak and Selene - provide cover fire; the rest of you - get to cover!" Jaxx shouted.

The creatures at the far end dart forward.  As they are dashing between stone walls, Selene catches a glimpse of one.  "Karabast!  Swarm brood!", she shouted as she launched a pair of grenades at the distant shadows.  Miak also opened fire, sending a stream of rounds from his Rattle Gun into the distance.  From the screams, they could tell that at least one, probably two went down, but who knows how many more remained?

While moving to cover, Vonthos noticed something laying next to the stone - an old corpse of a Unity trooper, still grasping his Blast Rifle.  While the corpse was definitely long dead, the rifle appeared to be intact.  Something to remember for later, if they survive.

As the Swarm continued its relentless advance they came close enough for short-range weapons.  Vonthos fired his Hand Flamer, toasting one, the smell and popping sounds disturbing the whole crew.  Selene moved up to get a better shot, firing her shell gun again, killing another, and Jaxx dashed forward.  "I'll get them in the open.  Make sure I don't die!"

One charged at Jaxx, but a grenade from Selene's Shell Gun blew it to fragments.  Another lunged at Jaxx, its claws snapping for his throat, but a hasty shot from his pistol dropped the Swarm Brood at his feet.

Silence reigned.  "I think we got them all" Jaxx said.

The crew quickly moved forward, searching for anything that could help them.  Vonthos picked up the Blast Rifle, along with the dog tags of the soldier.  "We should probably try to return these."

Kazi gazed up at the tall monolith.  On it was a full map of the planet, with symbols marking what appear to be important sites.  "I think this is it."  She pointed to one symbol.  "Everything says that what we are searching for is there.  Please guys?  It's what my parents, and Jaxx' parents were looking for.  Just one more.  Promise!"

Selene spat on the ground, taking off her helmet.  "Sounds good to me.  I could use another turn at those Raging Lizard Droppings, if any show up."

The crew returned to the starport.  Checking in, they found a host of posts on Unity Social Media, accusing them of terrible things.  A long list of threats was pointed at them.  "Definitely - one last mission, then we have to get out.  The whole planet will be after us if this keeps up.  That dungbucket is going to get us killed."

"Yeah, he is.  And he has the money to make it happen."

Kazi handed the newly repaired Hot Shot Pack to Jaxx.  "Well, here's a present for him."

Step 1

1.  Flee Invasion - N/A

2.  Decide whether to travel - No

3.  Starship travel event - N/A

4.  New world arrival steps - N/A

Step 2

1.  Upkeep and ship repairs. 2 CR

2.  Assign and resolve crew tasks

Jaxx - Attempt to fix Camo Cloak  - burned story point but got it repaired

Kazi - Explore - Promising lead +3 CR if you do an opportunity mission this turn

Selene - Train

Villem - Trade - finds a Hot Shot pack, but it is damaged

Miak - Train

Vonthos - Explore - Found a trainer  +2 XP

Ginerva - Train and Trade - found a Military fuel cell, so they can make a quick escape at no cost

3.  Determine Job Offers

4.  Assign Equipment 

5.  Resolve Rumors: 

6.  Choose Battle  

Continue a quest "But Jaxx.... You promised!"

Readying for Battle -  

1.  Deployment Condition - Bitter Struggle.  Enemy at +1 morale

1.  Notable Sight - Priority target.  Select random enemy, +1 Toughness, if slain, +1d3 credits

2.  Objective - SEARCH

4.  Opponent Type - Roving Threat - Swarm Brood.  Numbers +2 (rolled 4, +2 = 6); Panic 0; Speed 6"; Combat +1; Toughness 4; AI: Brawl; Claws +1 Damage

Multiple-limbed aliens that react to all other lifeforms with extreme violence. Pack hunters: All Brawls initiated by Swarm are resolved at the end of the Enemy Actions

phase. Swarm will always attempt to gang up on prey, where possible. Invasion Threat.

4.  Set up the battlefield - Ruined city that the locals have been calling Yoh-Vombis, after an old, old story.  Legends say it's cursed, and Unity has declared it off-limits.




Seize The Initiative - No

Turn 1 - Selene moves in quick phase.  Delays action

The Swarm and the crew move.

Turn 2.  Selene and Miak both win initiative, and stand still, ready to fire.

As Swarm moves, one is visible, but under cover.  Selene fires, hitting with a shot, killing one.  First blood.

Miak, also in the open, fires his rattle gun, killing the leader of the pack.

The swarm, ignoring their losses, continues to move forward.

The rest of the crew moves forward, under cover, trying to find firing lanes.

Vonthos notices something that looks valuable (spend 1 action, gain loot roll)

Turn 3 - As the swarm continues, Vonthos snap-fires with his hand-flamer, killing one.  Selene moves to get a better shot, and fires her shell gun, killing another.

Vilem fires, hitting and stunning one, while Jaxx dashes forward.

Turn 4 - Selene fires, killing another.  Vonthos moves and investigates the Loot Item.

The final Swarm charges Jaxx, its claws snapping at his throat, but a quick shot from his pistol drops the alien.

The crew searches the terrain, finding the object they were looking for.

Held the Field

Post-Battle Steps

1.  Resolve Rival Status  -  N/A

2.  Resolve Patron Status  -  N/A

3.  Quest Progress  - Find the clues needed.  Next quest mission will be the Endgame.

4.  Get Paid - found 4 credits worth of loot from previous explorers.

5.  Battlefield Finds: -  Found a personal trinket (dog tags from a Unity Marine, On each planet in the future, roll 2d6; 9+ means we find the owner and get a loot roll)

6.  Check for Invasion: No

7  Gather the Loot:   Found another Quality Sight, plus Vonthos found a Blast Rifle

8.  Injuries and Recovery: -  N/A

9.  Experience:  4 for Selene; 3 for everyone but Ginny

10.  Invest in Advanced Training: N/A

11.  Purchase Items:  No

12.  Campaign Event:  It's Time To Go!  Whatever you did, every turn you stay, add another Rival

13.  Character Event: Kazi - You've put in a lot of time around here.  Repaired Hot Shot Pack.