Campaign Turn 5 – Hesione

Sitting in the ship's mess, Jaxx and his crew debated their next options.  The mission for the  brotherhood went well.  They were able to pay off a bit of ship debt and get themselves set for whatever comes next.  "Dang, not sure what that 'brotherhood' was up to", Jaxx said as he worked on the Rattle Gun, "but they have good taste in weapons for pacifists.  Anyway, we've got that job for Associated Solutiosn lined up.   Run any errands you want, but we have to bug out at 7pm.  Associated is chomping at the bit now."

"What's the job, boss?" Selene asked.  "Apparently a group of anarchists took over one of their outposts, and are using it to broadcast their nonsense.  So we have to evict them.  Even better - they tagged one as a priority target - we get a bonus if he's taken out."  Jaxx pulled a picture of the priority target onto the holo-display.

"Sounds good.  Wonder what that kid did to get tagged 'bad guy #1'?  Anyway, gonna hit the gym for a bit.  Call me when we're about to go."

Kazi and Vonthos got up.  "Going to have another look-see, Jaxx.  Never know what we'll find."  "Be safe, and don't be late."  "Yes 'dad'", Kazi replied snarkily.

Miak & Ginerva also got up "heading out for supplies,  Medical closet getting low."

After regrouping, Vonthos was smiling happily.  "Boss - got a new job.  Big bureaucrat here - guy called Austol Keast.  Needs some help.  But not today.  And if we do good, he's gonna give us more work."

Jaxx smiled, the thought of getting paid on his mind.  "Good job, Vonthos.  Good job.  But, money waits for no man - or woman.  So let's get going.

Jetting out, the team lands near the Associated Solutions outpost.  The area was rocky and the outpost was on a slight hill - giving the anarchists a good view of the surrounding area.  "Ok team, keep to cover - they're punks, they'll probably come to us.  Lets make sure they do."

Jaxx handed Miak the Rattle Gun.  "All fixed, loaded, and ready to rock & roll.  You and Selene are artillery, the rest are assault.  Let's go!"

The Battlefield - we attack from 'North'
The Anarchists

The crew Seized the Initiative.  Most of the team moved up to better cover, making sure they were ready in case the Anarchists attacked, but Selene, behind a decent sized boulder, launched a couple of grenades from her shell gun.  The first grenade hit close enough to the Specialist, who was wielding a Rattle Gun, blowing him off the roof of the outpost and to his death.  The burst stunned one of the other Anarchists, but her second shell missed.

Selene and Miak followed up with another barrage.  Selene's grenades went wide, but Miak's Rattle Gun cut down the leader.  The surviving Anarchists started to close in on the Crew, their shots going wide, as the remaining Crew moved into position.

Their primary target was still on the roof of the outpost, along with another Anarchist, with a third jumping down the left side of the building, seeking cover.

Selene, Miak and Vonthos once again opened fire, targeting their primary target.  Miak's Rattle Gun cut the Anarchist in half.  The rooftop Anarchist fired at Jaxx, clipping him, but that was enough for Kazi, usually the mild one, to move up and burn that Anarchist down with her hand flamer.

The final Anarchist, realizing his cause was lost, fled.

"Another successful mission!" Jaxx proclaimed as they flew back to the starport in the Specked Jim.  "Great pay, too!"  "And they had a nice medical kit, too", Selene commented, looking at the stim packs they 'acquired'.

Getting back to the Renegade Pigeon, they see Vilem sitting outside, chatting with some locals, sharing stories and laughing.  "Feeling better?" Jaxx asked.  "Much!" Vilem responded, "These guys are awesome - and their food is amazing.  Feels like I'm ready to hit the battlefield again."

"Good, because we have to take a rich bureaucrat's money next.  We'll need firepower."

Game Turn Details

Step 1

1.  Flee Invasion - No Invasion

2.  Decide whether to travel - No Travel

3.  Starship travel event - N/A

4.  New world arrival steps - N/A

Step 2

1.  Upkeep and ship repairs - 1 Cr upkeep.  Accumulate 1 Cr of interest on ship debt.

2.  Assign and resolve crew tasks

Jaxx - Repair Rattle Gun + 1 Cr - success

Kazi - Explore - Found a trainer.  Gain +2 XP.  Spent to earn point of luck.

Selene - Train

Villem N/A Sick Bay

Miak - Trade - Basic Supplies - skip upkeep costs for one campaign turn.  SINGLE USE

Vonthos - Explore - Meet a Patron.  Offered a Patron job

Ginerva - Trade - Medical reserves.  Obtain 2 Stim-packs and 2 Med-Patches

3.  Determine Job Offers

PATRON - Corporation (Associated Solutions) Danger Pay +2 credits; This or next turn (from last turn)

Negotiable (reroll danger pay); Dangerous Job +1 enemy; Demanding (Danger pay only on success)

PATRON - Wealthy Individual (Austol Keast, wealthy Bureacrat on the planet) Danger Pay +2 Credits; This or following 2 campaign turns.

Persistant (follow beyond worlds); Private Transport (no rival follow); Busy (will get job following turn)

Taking the job for Associated Solutions.  Reroll of Danger Pay = 10 (+3 credits and reroll mission pay, choose higher of the two).

4.  Assign Equipment - Done

5.  Resolve Rumors: N/A

6.  Choose Battle - Associated Solution.

Readying for Battle

1.  Determine deployment conditions

Deployment Condition - No Condition

Notable Sights - Priority Target.  Select random enemy; they get +1 toughness, if they are slain, gain 1d3 credits

2.  Objective - Fight off

3.  Determine enemy - Criminal Element - Anarchists.  Weapons 2B

Stubborn - they ignore the first casualty of the battle when making a Morale check

Base enemies 3 +2 = 5.  3 normal, 1 specialist, 1 Lieutenant; however, one of the norms is the priority target and gain +1 toughness

2 Norms:  Panic 1-2/Speed 5/Combat Skill 0/ Toughness 3/ AI Aggressive

Colony Rifle, Blade

1 Priority:Panic 1-2/Speed 5/Combat Skill 0/ Toughness 4/ AI Aggressive

Colony Rifle, Blade

1 Specialist: Panic 1-2/Speed 5/Combat Skill 0/ Toughness 3/ AI Aggressive

Rattle Gun, Blade

1 Lieutenant: Panic 1-2/Speed 5/Combat Skill 1/ Toughness 3/ AI Aggressive

Colony Rifle, Blade

No notable enemies

4.  Set up the battlefield  Go with a 2'x2' battlefield.  2 large, 4 small, 2 linear terrain items

Go with interior.  Anarchists have taken over an industrial station.  It's being kept on the downlow now, but they wants a covert team unassociated with the government to go in and take care of it before word gets out to the press and the stockholders.  They will arrange private, covert transport.

Seized initiative.  Team moved behind hard cover except for Selene, who lobbed a grenade from her shell gun, killing the specialist with the Rattle Gun and stunning one of the other anarchists.

Turn 1 - Selene, Miak and Vonthos moved first.  Selene lobbed more grenades, missing as the anarchists dived for cover.  Miak's Rattle Gun fire cut down the lieutenant, and Vonthos charged up to closer range.  The anarchists started to move to engage, their shots going wide.

Turn 2- Selene, Miak and Vonthos again moved first. Selene and Miak both fire at our primary target, Miak getting the killing shot.  Vonthos fired his shotgun, and missed.  One of the remaining bad guys fired at Vonthos and missed; the other fired at Jaxx, stunning him.

Kazi moved up and flamed the closest anarchist, burning him down.  The final anarchist, having had enough, fled the field.


Post-Battle Steps

1.  Resolve Rival Status - they do not become rivals

2.  Resolve Patron Status  Gain contact - Corporation (Associated Solutions)

3.  Quest Progress  - N/A

4.  Get Paid - 9CR + 3CR for priority target

5.  Battlefield Finds:  Weapon - Colony Rifle, Blade

6.  Check for Invasion: N/A

7  Gather the Loot:  Odds and Ends - Consumables - Stim-Pack (2 uses)

8.  Injuries and Recovery: N/A

9.  Experience: Selene 4; others 3

10.  Invest in Advanced Training: N/A

11.  Purchase Items: Sell colony rifle for 1 CR

12.  Campaign Event: 16-made friend among locals, +1 story point

13.  Character Event: Vilem - Local food is agreeing with you.  Remove 1 campaign turn from sick bay

14.  Galactic War Progress: N/A