Campaign Turn 4 – Hesione
Reeling from the assault of the mutants, the crew of the Renegade Pigeon ponders their next move. They don't want to leave Hesione yet - not with the mystery of the amulets hanging over their heads.
Using some of the money they escaped with, they accelerated Jaxx' healing, getting him ready. After paying off some of their ship debt, the crew, staring at their paltry reserves, decided that they needed some big payers.
Using Ginerva's enhanced charm, Jaxx and Ginerva went out to try to wrestle up work. They landed two potential jobs
The Church of the Brotherhood's retreat in the mountains has been overrun with a pack of Hazapal - carnivorous reptilian chasers. Most of the Brethren escaped, but they had to abandon their holy relics. They were willing to pay for a group of law-abiding citizens to eliminate the pack or draw them away.
The corporation Associated Solutions was willing to pay more, but their mission was less immediate.
Selene, finally getting out of sick bay, hit the gym, training away the rest of her pain.
Kazi and Vonthos set out to explore a bit, see the sights and perhaps learn more about their quest.
Kazi met a local tech, Jhenn, who, after flirting for a while, offered to try to fix some of their broken gear. He wasn't able to, but Kazi and Jhenn shared a nice cup of tea and shared stories of their adventures.
Vonthos, trying to learn more about the Church of the Brotherhood, was offered a reward to make sure they recovered the holy relics.
The crew decided to help out the Brethren - after all, Associated Solutions was willing to bide their times. And how hard could it be to drive off some lizards?
The crew lands the Speckled Jim just outside the camp, under shelter of some local foliage. They could see some of the Hazapal in the distance, and also to the right. This time, Jaxx promised, they would have patience, let the beasts come to them, and blow them the heck up.
Even though the Hazapal were Alert, the crew's arrival surprised them and they let off some shots, but with the beasts under cover, all shots missed.
Turn 1
Selene fired her Shell Gun, blowing a Hazapal to bits. However, another stray appeared outside the camp. She was still a bit off from her injuries. The creatures started to swarm towards the crew, keeping to cover. The crew hung back, staying under cover - except for Miak, the idiot, who saw the case holding the relics and moved towards them, firing his shotgun, killing one of the beasts. "Hah! Got yer!"
Turn 2
Selene and Vonthos fire quickly, both missing their targets. "Still not feeling well, Selene?" Jaxx called, a feeling of nervousness coming over him. Selene was supposed to be the one taking everything down..... If she wasn't able to pull her weight, they could be in for a bad time. The creatures continued their charge, and some were close enough to break out into the open, thirsting for blood.
The rest of the crew was more than up to the task of covering for Selene, though. Jaxx managed to stun one of the beasts with his hand flamer, but Miak, Ginerva and Kazi's shots all were true, killing three.
Turn 3
Game Turn Details:
Pre-Battle Steps
Step 1
1. Flee Invasion - No Invasion
2. Decide whether to travel - No Travel
3. Starship travel event - N/A
4. New world arrival steps - N/A
Step 2
1. Upkeep and ship repairs - 1 Cr upkeep, pay off 7 credits of ship debt. Pay 4 credits to get Jaxx out of sick bay a turn early. Kazi and Selene returns to duty.
2. Assign and resolve crew tasks
Jaxx & Ginerva recruit patrons. Find 2
Private organization (The Brotherhood) Danger Pay +1 credit, This or next turn, Must Be Clean
Corporation (Associated Solutions) Danger Pay +2 credits, This, next, or following turn
Selene trains
Kazi and Vonthos explore
Kazi talks shop
Vonthos is offered a reward to retrieve a package.
4. Assign Equipment
5. Resolve Rumors: N/A
6. Choose Battle - no rivals on planet, Vonthos' did not follow us here.
Deployment Condition - Bitter Struggle; Enemy Morale at +1
Notable Sights - Loot Cache - Roll once on the Loot Table - pg 131
Objective - Move Through - Win if at least 2 crew move off the opposing battlefield edge; if you drive off all enemies, you win if you have 2 crew remaining.
Respawn 1 – The first basic enemy to be slain is replaced at the end of the round. Replacements arrive from the center of the enemy battlefield edge.
Post-Battle Steps
1. Resolve Rival Status N/A
2. Resolve Patron Status - Add Brotherhood as Contact
3. Quest Progress N/A
4. Get Paid 4 Cr + 1 Cr Danger Pay = 5 Cr, Plus 2 Credits for recovering the Relics
5. Battlefield Finds: Starship Parts - Why did the Brotherhood have Starship parts at their camp?
6. Check for Invasion N/A
7 Gather the Loot: Damaged Rattle Gun and Damaged Shotgun. Loot roll for Notable Sights - Screen Generator - again, why would the Brotherhood have this in their camp? Something is not quite right about that....
8. Injuries and Recovery: N/A
9. Experience: Miak got first kill, so he gains 4; rest of team gains 3. Spend some XP.
10. Invest in Advanced Training: N/A
11. Purchase Items: Buy 2 Blades and one roll on Gear table (Grapple Launcher) 5 Cr
12. Campaign Event: 32 - One of the crew overheard something interesting. Add 1 Rumor. Vothos bought an old piece of pottery that had a symbol similar to what they saw at the Graveyard. The found that it was dug up at a site not too far away.
13. Character Event: Ginerva - 41: Ginerva set up a fortune telling booth, earning 2 credits.
14. Galactic War Progress: N/A