Campaign Turn 3 – Hesione

Fleeing Besulla, the crew of the Renegade Pigeon landed on the forest world of Hesione in the Protist system - a low-tech agricultural world ruled by the Theocracy of Hran-Vogus.  The planetary news was endlessly broadcasting word of the Invasion of Besulla, and dire warnings of a possible invasion.

Due to the thick atmosphere, pressure masks are needed for comfort and extended duration travel, but the thick, humid atmosphere does greatly increase agricultural output, so the planet is a valuable commodity.

Jaxx and Vilem went to seek some help - due to the threat, pickings of military types was slim, but an adventure-seeking bureacrat cyborg named Hans eagerly joined up.    Miak went to the trade bazaar and picked up some luxury trinkets, which should make future attempts at recruiting easier.  But the paper wrapping the trinkets was an odd map, with markings similar to those on Kazi and Vonthus' amulets.  Hans was able to help decypher some of the runes, giving the crew a clue as to where the map leads.

The first clue led to an old graveyard.  The crew arrived on a dismal day, a gloomy fog hanging over the wooded area.  They could hear movement in the distance - something else is also interested in this graveyard.

Encounter Types: Quest
Deployment: Gloomy - 9" visibility, but can target anyone who shot
Notable Sights: Documentation - gain 1 Quest Rumor
Mission Objective: Secure - You must end 2 consecutive rounds with crew within 2” of the center of the table. A crew member with an enemy within 6” of them does not count. Once this is achieved, you Win. If you drive off the opposition, you can complete the objective at your leisure.
Encounter - 7 Mutants with Shotguns.  Specialists and Lieutenant had Cling-Fire Pistols

Disembarking from the Renegade Pigeon's shuttle, dubbed "Speckled Jim", the crew advanced slowly and cautiously, not knowing what they would face - just knowing that the graveyard ahead would reveal more of the mystery of Kazi's amulet.
To their surprise, a pack of mutants appeared in the distance, moving towards them.  They certainly were not the only ones interested in this graveyard.  But why would mutants be interested in this graveyard?  There was only one way to find out.

The group advanced carefully, knowing that there was no point in firing until they could get a good shot.

Miak continued his advance, trying to gain the advantage around the gravestones.  The odd symbols on the gravestones seemed to radiate a greenish glow - perhaps some strange radiation was attracting the mutants.

The mutants opened fire, taking Miak down in a fusillade of shotgun fire.  Jaxx and Vilem attempted to return fire, but their shots went wide.

The mutants continued their barrage, bullets tearing through the crew.  Once the crew was all down, the mutants danced and sang songs to whatever things they worshipped, and faded into the fog.

After waking from his injuries, which turned out to be minor, Jaxx managed to get his crew back to the Speckled Jim.  On the way, they managed to find a crate of supplies that they were also able to grab.  Scribed on the crate were runes matching some on the amulets, providing further direction on the quest.

Jaxx and Miak received only minor injuries, and would need some time in Sick Bay, but would be OK.  Vilem took a serious injury, needing extensive time in Sick Bay, and poor Hans, so eager to go out and see the world, did not survive.

Post-battle steps
1.  Not a Rival battle.  N/A
2.  Not a Patron Mission.  N/A
3.  Somehow, even with all of us dropping, we learned a little about the mystery.  Gained a Quest Rumor.  The next step is on this world.
4.  Paid 6 credits.
5.  We did not Hold the Field
6.  Not an Invasion Threat
7.  Loot - old crate with markings similar to that on the gravestones.  Worth 3 credits.
8.  Injuries
    Jaxx and Miak - 1 turn in Sick Bay
    Vilem - 4 turns in Sick Bay
    Hans - Dead
9.  Jaxx, Miak and Vilem earned 1 XP
10.  No Advanced Training
11.  No shopping
12.  Campaign Event - An admirer wants to come along.  We sure could use the help.
13.  Character Event - Miak again (every turn!).  Miak had a heart-to-heart talk with Vilem about covering his six in combat, and not leaving him out to dry.  Each gain +1 XP
14.  Galactic War Progress - Great news!  Total Unity Victory on Besulla!  The K'Erin have been driven back!