Campaign Turn 2 – Besulla


The K'Erin have come!  The crew has made it to the starport, but the landing pads are swarming with K'Erin.  Combat is going on all over - eventually, the smoke clears enough that Jaxx and crew believe they can make it to their shuttle and escape to their orbiting ship - but, as they started to make their move, a small group of K'Erin appeared between them and their ship....

Deployment Condition:  Caught Off Guard - squad all acts in Slow Phase in turn 1

Caught off guard!

The K'Erin advanced, moving into cover and firing with their rifles.  Miak is hit and taken out of the fight.  Everyone but Selene moves to cover, but with only short-range weapons, most were unable to return fire.  Vilem, with his Hunting Rifle, fired, but missed.  Selene marches forward, firing her Shell Gun - taking out the leader of the K'Erin band, and stunning one other.

Turn 2 - Selene stands still and fires again, but misses her shots as the remaining K'Erin are in cover.  The K'Erin fire, taking Selene out.  Jaxx moves up into range, taking out one K'Erin with his hand flamer, but the remaining crew miss their shots.

Turn 3 - The K'Erin continue their firing, taking out Vonthus.  Jaxx, furious at his crew being hurt, burns one down with his Hand Flamer.

Turn 4 - The K'Erin reach us.  Kazi is cut down in a brawl, but Jaxx burns the last K'Erin to ash.



Selene - Serious Injury; in Sick Bay for 2 Turns
Kazi - Crippling Wound 3 Credits for surgery; in Sick Bay for 2 Turns
Vonthus - Minor Injuries; in Sick Bay for 1 Turn
Miak - Knocked Out

Spent XP

Spent 2 credits on 2 colony rifles

spent 3 credits roll on gear

spent 3 credits roll on gadgets

Campaign Event NA

Character Event - Miak - Make some friends, +1 XP