Rangers of Frostgrave – Perilous Dark – Dog Days Part 2

Carov rallied his team once again, and recruited a new Man-At-Arms, Kolli, an archer, Orsino, and, since Sutton had recovered from his previous injuries, brought him back.
They once again headed for the Reaver's treasure, with a better plan to delay the Chronohounds.

At first, things went well.  Kolli and Sutton brought down three hounds right away, and  Victor and Gorbin destroyed two of the Time Crystals.

But then, things started to go wrong.  Sutton and Kolli went down, and Yvanne's fireball failed to injure any hounds.

Victor and Gorbin went down trying to destroy the third crystal, with Orsino and Revna also going down.  Carov, supported by Yvanne, destroyed the fourth crystal, but as they went to destroy the third, Yvanne fell, and Carov was overwhelmed.

Sadly, Carov did not survive his injures.  He and Orsino join the Hall of Memories.
Victor, Yvanne, Revna, Kolli and Sutton survive without any ill effects.  Gorbin, however, received a permanent injury to his left arm, weakening his ability to fight.

Crawling back to the inn, Victor decides to stop any adventuring, and just bide his time until the ship to Alladore.  So, he bid his companions farewell.

And thus ends the tales of the Rangers of Frostgrave.