Rangers of Frostgrave – Dark Alchemy – Scenario 3 – The Spreading Flames

The group makes it out of the complex, breathing hard, with only Serrol being burnt by a skeleton.  As they quickly pause, he casts his heal spell on himself, and takes the Grimoire back from Victor.  They breath a sigh of relief, as they can now see the stars, as well as small fires burning throughout this area.  From the lore they heard in the Inn, there were vast amounts of volatile alchemical compounds created here.  With the fires all around, there is no time to tarry.....

[Once again, I am resetting spells/heroic abilities and keeping existing wounds.  Given this scenario for Frostgrave is pure treasure-gathering against a clock, and that does not fit in with the storyline, I've made a few modifications to the scenario - In the scenario, the Heroes can exit at any time; for this scenario, they can not exit until they get at least half-way down the map.  To support this, I have placed walls out to about 20".
And if the person carrying the grimoire (at the start, Serrol) goes to 0 health due to fire, the book is lost and the campaign fails.]

As the players start to move forward, constructs, smoke billowing from them, start to advance.  The group pushes Serrol forward, while they engage a Fire-Flinger - Sak's arrow bounces off, but Carov's magic bolt ignites the construct, causing it to detonate [natural 20! wooo!].  A Fire-Flinger shoots a spray of fire at Serrol; he takes an ugly hit, scarring his body, but he managed to shield the grimoire from harm.

Victor engaged the closest Fire-Flinger while Serrol fled the battlefield, ensuring that the Grimoire will return to Alladore; Victor manages to damage the Fire-Flinger without being injured himself.  Sak and Carov move to freedom, but linger to try to destroy the Fire-Flinger engaging Victor - to no avail.

Carov flees the Alchemical University, and just as Sak is about to leave, a second Fire-Flinger spews burning fluid at Victor, killing him.

Serrol, Carov, and Sak return to the Inn, drink a toast to valiant Victor, and prepare to sail back to Alladore.