Rangers of Frostgrave – Dark Alchemy – Scenario 2 – Skeletal Run

After escaping the alchemical monstrosity, Serrol and his team needed to escape the ruin and head back to Alladore.  They found themselves in the ruins of a long complex filled with broken pipes and giant vats.  Pausing to take a breath, Serrol said "We must get this book to Alladore - nothing can come in our way."  Suddenly, a flickering light caught their eyes, and the scraping of ancient bones filled their ears.  "Run!"

[For this scenario, I am resetting my ranger's heroic abilities and my conjurer's spells, but not restoring any wounds.  While there are clues/treasures in this area, since the group found the Grimoire in the first scenario, they now just have to escape.]

Serrol and Victor charged ahead, with Carov and Sak following behind, providing cover.  Skeletons, burning with alchemical fire, appeared and started to follow the party, promising a horrible, burning death.  One made it to Sak, who was able to cut it down.

As they continued to move forward, more burning skeletons appeared.  Two engaged Serrol - one he cut down easily, the other, he parried, but the heat still burned him.
More skeletons appear, but the group takes them down as easily as they appear.  As they near the exit, Serrol hands the Grimoire to Victor, who flees while Serrol remains behind to cover the rest of the group's escape.

The group makes it out of the complex, breathing hard, with only Serrol being burnt by a skeleton.  As they quickly pause, he casts his heal spell on himself, and takes the Grimoire back from Victor.  They breath a sigh of relief, as they can now see the stars, as well as small fires burning throughout this area.  From the lore they heard in the Inn, there were vast amounts of volatile alchemical compounds created here.  With the fires all around, there is no time to tarry.....

To be concluded...