Rangers of Frostgrave – Dark Alchemy – Scenario 1 – Alchemical Monstrosity

Arriving at the frigid port, Serrol took another look at the letter he was given before setting sail.
"You are being sent to the cursed city of Felstad.  The scholars at The Cascades have identified the poison used to kill the old king.  We know of no cure.  However, they found lore that this poison was created in the city of Feldstad, before its fall.  You must travel there to an old alchemical factory, and search for any information on this poison, and a cure.  The journey will take months - we know you seek to avenge Lorenthia, but if King Arethic falls to this same poison, all is lost."

Serrol left Alladore at night, accompanied by the Conjurer Carov, the Archer Sak, and the Axeman (Swordsman) Victor.  They arrived at the Felstad docks at night, following directions to an inn on the outskirts of the cursed city.  There, he paid good Alladorian gold to buy a rough map to this factory.

I played the first scenario twice, just to get used to the rules, but don't want to play further without my friend Scott.  Since I'm home recovering from walking pneumonia today (and probably for a few more days), I decided to try adapting a solo Frostgrave scenario.  Thus, the Rangers of Feldstad are born!

I started the Dark Alchemy campaign with them.  The goal was to find a Grimoire, so there was a solid chance they could go in, and by the nature of dice, not find the cure they were searching for.  I also decided to half the XP for treasure found - I thought about eliminating XP for treasure alltogether, but figured 50% still gave incentive to spend time looking for it.

After spending hours forcing entry, the Heroes started their search.  Finally entering a room that wasn't empty, they heard a crash, and were shaken by an explosion, knocking them down, and blocking their quick exit.  They had no choice but to press forward.

There were two major pathways through the ruined building, so the Heroes decided to split up.  Serrol and Sak to the right, Carov and Victor to the left.  As they move to investigate, a horror beyond belief came to life, moving towards Victor, lashing out and causing a significant wound (Health 6).

Victor swung his mighty axe, and opened up a gash in the monstrosity, the flourescent ooze washing over the walls.  The creature recoils slightly in pain.  Carov invoked his magic, sending a bolt of fire at the monstrosity, destroying the creature (I wasn't sure whether spells could be cast into melee; given the size of the mini I used for the Alchemical Monstrosity, I decided to give it the Large property and allow it - Victor rolled a 17 +4 fight for 14 damage; Carov rolled a 20 +5 Shoot for the Magic Bolt - at this point, the dice are clearly in our favor)

With the monstrosity dead, the party moved quickly, but cautiously through the ruin, collecting what clues and treasure they could find.

As the groups neared the two doors, rats started to pour out of a hole in the floor.  The first two were dispatched quickly; the third opened a large wound in Sak, hurting him seriously (Sak down to 3 health).  Serrol found the door on the right did not open - blocked by rubble on the other side.

Viktor, hesitant to leave the safety of the leftmost door, did move up and dispatched the rat, saving Sak's life.

Finally arriving at the door, the group leaves.  Serrol casts his lone Heal spell on Sak as they exited.

Among the treasures they found were 35 gold coins, 2 potions (Elixir of Speed and Cordial of Clearsight), and a Grimoire!  Amazingly, they found what they were looking for.  Now, Serrol and team just have to escape the ruins and make their way back to Alladore.